The Government of the Generalitat manages to approve for the first time since 2016, according to the assessment survey of the Catalan Executive and public policies published this Thursday by the Center d’Estudis d’Opinió (CEO) dependent on the Generalitat, which grants a 5 stripped to the Executive of Pere Aragonés, which represents an improvement of 0.15 points compared to last year.

Even so, the grade awarded by the CEO in 2023 is far from the 5.5 he obtained in 2016, with Carles Puigdemont at the helm shortly before the 2017 referendum, although it is difficult to establish a comparison between the two approved ones, since the criteria for the methodology, as well as the format of the questionnaire itself, changed starting in 2021.

In any case, as was already the case in the previous survey, the Generalitat is rated better by Catalan citizens than the central government, which obtains 4.5. The best rated administration is that of the town councils, which obtains an improvement of just over half a point compared to the 2022 survey, which places its rating at 5.5. Regarding the evaluation of the European Commission, the Catalans give it a 4.8,

Logically, ERC supporters are the ones who rate the Catalan Executive the best with a 5.9, and those who most approve of its action, since 83% of them do so. They are followed by the PSC and ECP-Sumar with 70% approval.

CUP supporters approve the Government’s action with 70% while the grade they give it is 5.1. On the other hand, the score of Junts supporters is higher, at 5.4, while the approval percentage is lower, at 68%.

Those from Ciudadanos rate the Generalitat with a 4.2, although they approve its action with 55% of favorable votes. Those who say they feel sympathy for the PP rate the Government with a 3.9, 0.2 points above Vox, although the two parties alternate the order in the percentage rating. The far-right formation is ahead, approving the action of the Catalan Executive by 42% compared to 36% of the popular ones.

Regarding the 2022 study, the Government improves its score in almost all areas of action except in Catalonia-Spain relations, which remains the same as the worst valued aspect with a 4.1, and which does not receive approval from supporters of No match.

The promotion of Catalan culture is the area that Catalan citizens value most, with a 6.1, half a point more than last year. The greatest variation compared to the last CEO is found in the management of public health, which has increased almost one point to reach an average score of 5.4. It thus matches the grade received by public education and public transportation and infrastructure.

On the other hand, citizens suspend government action to combat climate change and boost the economy and companies receive both a 4.8, while citizen security and the fight against poverty and exclusion remain at 4.6

As for public services, the best valued by citizens is concerted education, which receives a 7.7, half a point above the second place, the Mossos d’Esquadra, which improves its record compared to last year by almost one point. . Public education, on the other hand, gets a 7.1. The study has a sample of 2,083 people and the data collection was done between September 29 and November 30, so it cannot take into account the results of the recent PISA study that left education in a critical situation. Catalan.

Public hospitals receive an average score of 7, while primary care centers (CAP) obtain 6.7. Social services score 6.6, while the occupation service offices (SOC) remain at 6.3. The administration of justice is the public service worst rated by Catalans, with 5.7, despite recording an improvement of 0.3 compared to the previous CEO.

Another aspect to highlight is that 52% of those surveyed are in favor of maintaining taxes, and 30% prefer an increase in them, in order to achieve an improvement in services. Only 14% advocate lowering taxes, if that means a deterioration in services.