The Historical-Archaeological Section of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) considers that the archaeological remains of the Ca la Madrona site in Mataró (Maresme) “provide very important knowledge for the history of the city.” For this reason, it states that its conservation in situ should be guaranteed and its declaration as a cultural asset of local interest should proceed.

The position of the Historical-Archaeological Section (SHA) has been set out in a manifesto, in which it states that the excavations have documented “a large, and therefore very important, necropolis from the late ancient period.” The manifesto also highlights that the tombs discovered, “of the pre-anthropomorphic type”, are different from the rest of the tombs found in the city, which “singularizes the necropolis of Ca la Madrona”.

The SHA concludes that “the transfer would not make any sense, since its relevance lies in the location in this space, where it is confirmed that a population center of the city, surely late Roman, moved from an original establishment, “perhaps a suburban village.”

The Mataró City Council Government proposes moving the site to a forest area close to its current location, Bon Recés, where an interpretation center is planned. The remains were located at the end of 2020, during the initial work for the construction of the Parc Circular Mataró-Maresme, a project focused on the generation of new models of circular production and consumption, promoted by the Consortium for the Treatment of Urban Solid Waste of Maresme, made up of twenty-eight town councils in the region and led by the mayor of Mataró, David Bote, who holds the presidency.