Following the request of the commons to the socialist mayor Jaume Collboni to veto the Formula 1 show on Passeig de Gràcia, several neighborhood entities have also asked that the event be canceled and have forwarded their complaint to the Barcelona Greuges Union to urge administrations not to celebrate it.

“This event presents a city model contrary to what we propose. The city does not have to be a space for motor competitions, with smoke, noise and speed,” the associations say in a joint statement.

The signatories highlight that with this event a “contradictory message” is being sent to the population, who “are being asked to make a series of efforts” regarding their mobility habits with the “objective of improving air quality.” , while “promotes a highly polluting activity.”

The entities add that the Formula 1 spectacle is “contrary to the own strategies” of the City Council and the Generalitat regarding the reduction of pollution and the new directive that the European Union will soon approve. “At the same time, the event promotes reckless driving against road safety policies and the need to moderate speed in cities to reduce the number of accidents and their severity,” they conclude.

The groups that sign the complaint are Catalunya Camina, the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona, ??Promotion of Public Transport, Prevention of Traffic Accidents, Eixample Respira, Revolta Escolar, Mother’s Rebellion Barcelona and the neighborhood associations of Maragall and Sant Martí.