The Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office has filed a complaint in court this week against the playwright Ramón Paso for alleged sexual crimes against several young women between 18 and 25 years old that took place between 2018 and 2023.

As reported to EFE by the lawyer Luisa Estévez Martínez, who represents 14 women who have denounced the screenwriter and stage director to the Prosecutor’s Office, and confirmed by sources in the case, the complaint from the public ministry is in the deanery of the courts of instruction from Madrid awaiting delivery.

The Prosecutor’s Office has taken this step after completing the pre-procedural proceedings that it opened in November of last year and taking statements from the 14 women, who have ratified, one by one, their complaint against the theater director, grandson of the playwright Alfonso Paso and great-grandson of the writer. Enrique Jardiel Poncela.

According to the lawyer, the prosecution’s complaint has been filed for alleged crimes of sexual assault – some of a continuous nature -, harassment, coercion or against moral integrity.

It was the lawyer Estévez who informed the Madrid Prosecutor’s Office last November of the reported events and has provided documents and psychological reports of the victims, most of them at the beginning of their theatrical career and whom Paso would have met at the auditions. to those who presented themselves.

After collecting their testimony, the public ministry questioned the 14 girls, who ratified their complaint against the playwright for events that allegedly took place between 2018 and 2023, regarding Paso’s theatrical activity.

The lawyer has specified that the majority of the complainants, although not all, were victims of events that would fall within the crimes of sexual assault, in their different intensities, and also mentions the alleged coercion and harassment that they would have suffered from the playwright at the same time. time.

On April 10, the Prosecutor’s Office decreed the conclusion of the investigation proceedings that it opened after learning of “the facts against the sexual freedom” of the young women that the lawyer brought to it, and agreed to file a complaint before the Madrid courts, which took place this Tuesday.

The head of the court in which the case falls will be responsible for whether or not to admit the complaint to processing.