Since the news broke of Juan Ortega’s unexpected escape on the day of his wedding to Carmen Otte, the bullfighter’s whereabouts became a mystery that kept half the country in suspense. This Saturday, exclusively, Mónika Vergara, collaborator of the Telecinco program ‘Fiesta’, has managed to find the whereabouts of the elusive bullfighter, revealing surprising details about his current life.

Vergara shared that Juan Ortega has been in Portugal since last December 13, in the town of Porto Alto, specifically on the farm of a rancher who is an old acquaintance of his. The journalist highlighted how complicated it was to track down the bullfighter, describing the episode as “an international bummer.”

The ‘Fiesta’ collaborator indicated that Juan Ortega would be dedicated to his training, since he plans to return to the ring on February 11, generating great expectations in the bullfighting world.

Furthermore, he revealed that the bullfighter has chosen to change countries to escape media attention, giving up watching television and using the telephone. His rancher friend has provided him with the protection necessary to carry out this isolated life.

The news of Juan Ortega’s location and his unusual lifestyle has generated a stir on social networks, where followers of the bullfighter and curious people express their surprise at this revelation.

Meanwhile, the mystery about the reason that led the bullfighter to plant Carmen Otte at the altar remains unresolved, although Mónika Vergara’s statements have shed light on Juan Ortega’s current situation, away from prying eyes and focused on his return to the bullfighting arena.