The birth of Gabriela Guillén and Bertín Osborne’s son continues to make countless headlines and minutes on television, especially since the singer announced his intention not to “act as a father” to the little one. If it is confirmed that the child is his son, a matter of which he still doubts and for which he will request a paternity test, he maintains that he will limit himself to “helping”, as he announced in an interview in the magazine Hello!
Osborne has received widespread criticism for abdicating his responsibilities as a father. However, he has some support such as Alessandro Lequio, who also questions the identity of the father of Guillén’s son, although he has no proof of this.
Lequio only has suspicions, which have grown after Guillén’s interview in Friday. “I had my doubts if it was an accident or a unilateral decision. Since Friday my doubts have been greatly reduced. From the moment Gabriela said that she wanted to be a mother and that she was the one who had control over the matter. Blanco, milk,” he says.
The television collaborator has not given up his efforts to sow doubts about the child’s paternity: “I know from very good sources that Gabriela made Bertín Osborne’s relationship compatible with a very handsome, very good-looking Cuban.”
The count explained that this information is what motivated Osborne’s decision to request a test to confirm his paternity.
Finally, Lequio recalled that the singer and the physiotherapist had a relationship that did not go beyond the carnal. “You can have a serious relationship with a person whom you see once a week and another whom you see three times a week that is mere entertainment. Here no one tells the truth because there is no absolute truth and each one “He plays with his versions and his interests,” he says.