At the close of January, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has provided data on the fatal accident rate that has been recorded on Spanish roads during those 31 days. And the balance is bad: the number of deaths has increased by 24% compared to the same period in 2023. Specifically, 93 people have lost their lives, 18 more than in the same month last year, with the group of motorcyclists being the one suffers a greater increase.

While 14 people traveling by motorcycle died in January 2023, 24 died this year, that is, 10 more, which represents an increase of 71%. Without a doubt, this disastrous data once again puts on the table the road safety problem that exists in this group. The DGT is aware of this and already has a strategy designed to try to improve the numbers.

The organization headed by Pere Navarro has announced its intention to modify the practical exam to obtain the A2 motorcycle license, so that more weight is given to the circulation tests in open road traffic than to those on closed circuits. This is intended to better assess the applicant in a real environment.

We must not forget that conventional roads are the ones that account for 75% of fatal accidents. In January, 19 of the 24 deceased motorcyclists (79%) lost their lives on this type of road, where it is planned to require the use of gloves and a full-face helmet. This initiative seeks to protect one of the most vulnerable parts in the event of an accident: the head. For this reason, road travel with open integral jet models will not be allowed, which can be used in urban areas.

Likewise, during this term the content of the point recovery courses will be updated, incorporating a specific profile for motorcyclists and mandatory training will be created for B permit drivers with three years of seniority who want to drive motorcycles up to 125 cubic centimeters.

Regarding the accident rate registered in January, it is worth noting that beyond the motorcycling group, deaths have also increased in tourism (46 compared to 41 the previous year), van (6 compared to 3), truck (5 compared to 4 ), bus (1 versus 0) and bicycle (2 versus 1). Only pedestrian deaths have decreased (5 compared to 8 last year) and moped users (0 compared to 2).

By type of accident, there has been a high increase in lateral and frontolateral collisions with 15 deaths, 12 more than in the same month of the previous year. Regarding the use of security systems, 17 of those killed were not using the corresponding security system at the time of the accident; 15 of them were traveling in cars and were not wearing seat belts and 2 motorcyclists were not wearing helmets.