The Campdevànol City Council (Girona) will only allow access with pets, basically dogs, to the Cabana pool, the first one located on the route of the seven pools.

It is one of the changes that are incorporated into the ordinances that will be approved in the next plenary session and that aim to improve the management of this natural environment that receives thousands of visitors every year.

Among the changes, there will also be the sale of tickets only – until now it was done in person – and the charge of 10 euros for parking at Font del Querol per vehicle per day, a measure that has already come into force on the weekend.

As explained by Joan Carbonell, councilor for sustainability, the ordinances have been modified to penalize uncivil visitors who reoffend.

Carbonell explains that one of the main complaints in the pools is the presence of dogs at times of high influx of visitors, especially in the Cabana pool, which is the first one from the parking lot.

“They complained that there were many dogs that were bothersome at bath time, when they shook themselves for example,” he details.

That is why they have decided to concentrate their presence in this pool, which is also difficult to access because it has a very steep descent and you have to wear good shoes.

The idea is that those who do not want to meet the pets will choose to go to other pools and thus make the visitors a little more comfortable.

After the management of the previous municipal government team in recent years, the current one wants to gradually incorporate some changes.

To begin with, they have opted to reduce fines for incivility while increasing the value of sanctions for repeat offenders.

“We want to warn a lot, give second chances to those who don’t know, but there must be a limit,” highlights the councilor. Sanctions can reach 700 euros depending on the severity of the offense. Another novelty is that smoking will be prohibited in the pool area due to the risk of fire and 10 euros will be charged for the use of barbecues in the Font del Querol recreational area.

One of the difficulties in management is that they lack real visitor data. During 2023, more than 35,000 tickets were sold taking into account the tickets sold – especially in person at the Font del Querol car park box office – but you already know that some periods of the day were not counted. “We don’t know how many people have passed through the torrent, exactly,” remarks the mayor, Oriol Lázaro.

That is why this year they have decided to channel ticket sales only through the website – a ticket costs 6 euros, except for children under 12 years of age and residents of the area – and if a visitor cannot or does not know how, they will be helped to do so online. the visitor reception center in the parking lot. The page will be renewed and the rules to be respected will be informed so that the visitor is clear about what he can do and what he cannot do. And once they have these records, they will decide if it is necessary to implement more measures. “The objective is to reach a very different management system, with greater efficiency of resources to take care of the environment,” says the mayor, adding that this will take time and must be done progressively. “And when there are benefits, reinvest them in protecting and improving the environment,” he says.

What has been done this year has been to reinforce the presence of a worker in the area, who also carries out maintenance tasks and reminds visitors of what is allowed and what is not.

One of the good news is that the accident rate in the Cabana pool has decreased slightly. “It has been reported that it is necessary to wear good shoes and prevention has been done, but in 2023 the helicopter has had to come six times,” he details.

In terms of investments, this year they will invest more than 30,000 euros in the area – they want to install a public toilet, among other actions – and they will seek help from other administrations.