After a long investigation, agents of the National Police have identified and arrested in the town of Tauste (province of Zaragoza) a 56-year-old man of Spanish nationality who had been making sexual recordings with a hidden camera for some time and distributing files of child pornography. .

At the moment, 18 victims of different ages have been identified, but it is not ruled out that there may be more given that new files were found at the arrestee’s home that now have to be analyzed.

The investigation began in May 2022, when agents from the technological crimes group became aware that a user of P2P file-sharing networks was distributing child pornography content from a town in the province of Zaragoza. In the subsequent search of the home, more than 500,000 files of pedophile content were located. After being arrested and giving a statement, the man was released with charges.

In a second phase of the investigation, the agents analyzed the computer devices seized with more than half a million files. It was then that, in addition to the enormous material of sexual exploitation of minors, numerous recordings made with a hidden camera in a bathroom were found in which women, both adults and minors, were found, as well as pornographic photomontages with the faces of women and girls from the detainee’s social environment.

After managing to identify 18 of the victims of said recordings and photomontages, on April 10, the court was requested to authorize a new entry and search of the suspect’s home.

After their entry, the agents proceeded to arrest the person under investigation for the commission of crimes of production of child pornography, discovery and disclosure of secrets and against moral integrity. The man was placed at the disposal of the investigating court, which ordered his immediate imprisonment.

In addition, the agents again found and seized various computer devices in the house, which are pending analysis, so it is not ruled out that the number of victims increases.