The Mossos d’Esquadra have shared on their social networks a video in which you can see a vehicle – specifically a Fiat 500 – driving on the shoulder of an expressway that was quite congested. As stated by the Catalan police, the officers reported the driver for driving improperly on that part of the road. And, except in exceptional cases, passenger cars are prohibited from traveling there.

According to the traffic regulations, drivers of motorcycles, passenger cars and trucks with a maximum authorized weight that does not exceed 3,500 kilograms who, for emergency reasons, do so at an abnormally reduced speed, may travel on the right shoulder. thereby seriously disturbing circulation.” If this occurs on a highway or highway, you should take the next exit so as not to impede traffic.

And, from what can be seen in the recording, the reported motorist was not going at a slow pace; On the contrary, he overtakes the rest of the vehicles on the right. According to the Mossos publication, the offender could not justify that he had an emergency situation that would force him to carry out that behavior.

In the comments to the tweet, there are several users who complain that this is done very often by motorcycles. Although the DGT has been in favor of motorcycles being able to ride on the shoulder when the road is congested, the regulations have not yet been modified to make this happen. This is one of the historical claims of the two-wheeled sector.

Illegal use of this part of the road is considered a serious infraction and can lead to a fine of up to 200 euros. Furthermore, it is one of the offenses that have been included in the procedure for the cross-border exchange of information on traffic offenses when they are committed with a vehicle registered in a Member State of the European Union other than the one in which the offense was committed.

There are a series of users who, when there is no road or part of it specially designated for them, are obliged to use the right shoulder – if it is sufficient and passable. We refer to the drivers of any animal-drawn vehicle, special vehicle with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding that determined by regulation, cycle, moped, vehicle for people with reduced mobility or vehicle following cyclists. If the shoulder is too narrow, they must use the essential part of the road.

At this point it is worth noting that the regulations prohibit animal-drawn vehicles, bicycles, mopeds, personal mobility vehicles and vehicles for people with reduced mobility from traveling on highways and highways. Despite this, cyclists can ride on the shoulders of highways, unless, for road safety reasons, it is prohibited by means of corresponding signage.