Aena asks taxi drivers not to make deals with clandestine car cleaners who offer their services at the grills at El Prat airport. The infrastructure manager made this request to the Institut Metropolità del Taxi (Imet) while the restrictions to deal with the drought only allow the cleaning of vehicles in commercial establishments that have a water recirculation system, and the truth is that Clandestine cleaners usually obtain drinking water from public fountains.

These cleaners have abounded in taxi drivers’ waiting areas for years. Prices range between 10 and 15 euros per vehicle, depending on whether you also want the interior cleaned and, above all, on the haggling skill of each person. Discussions between people who are dedicated to these activities are very frequent.

Taxi drivers respond that the proliferation of underground activities is a consequence of the lack of services they suffer at Barcelona airport. “Meanwhile, while they fight against the drought by encouraging these cleaners – says Alberto Álvarez, Tito, from Élite Taxi – the water losses in the pitiful sinks we have are more scandalous than ever. We have been asking for years to clean them up. And people also come to the waiting areas to sell food, why? Well, because we don’t have a canteen and people can’t pay the prices of the restaurants in the terminals.”