Dogs usually give memorable, funny, or endearing stories, among others. Sharing life with them also implies getting some surprises like the one the German shepherd, the protagonist of this story, did to his human companions.

The furry friend went out to play outside his house and, when he returned and entered through the door (which is adapted to his size), he did not do so alone. A doe accompanied him and he also entered the home.

When he entered the house, the doe did not seem skittish. While the German shepherd was happy and wagging his tail looking for his/her human companion, the doe headed straight for the person recording the footage.

In the same video between a third furry friend in disagreement, a beagle, who could also live in that same house. Furthermore, it is worth noting that all three leave a trail of snow when entering through the door.

In the United States, deer and hinds are common in mountainous areas of the southern states of British Columbia, Alberta, Idaho, Montana, eastern Washington and Oregon, northeastern Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and the west. of the two Dakotas.

These animals are ruminants and, although they are undomesticated, they can be friendly, especially outside of the breeding season during the well-known rutting season.

The video published on Instagram accumulates very disparate comments, but most in a friendly and comical tone. Some simulate common conversations between humans that could occur in these situations. “Hey mom, can Charlie stay for dinner? His mom said she’s fine,” one Internet user highlighted in this regard.

Another user pointed out that this deer is already a regular in that home, since it handled itself without problems when it came to accessing the home. “She handled that door like a pro,” she said.