Dogs always have to be on a leash, unless we are in a space designated for the opposite. If we do not comply with the regulations, we are exposed to penalties, the amount of which varies depending on each city. For example, in Barcelona, ??fines can range from 100 to 600 euros for taking the furry dog ??without a leash outside the 225 areas authorized by the council or outside the permitted hours.

But not all owners are willing to accept the rule. They continue to lead the dog loose and complain if someone reprimands him, rightly so, for it.

That’s what happened to Claudia Cordobés, a TikTok user who was walking her dog through a fairly large park. As she tells it, she thought she was alone, so she decided to release the furry dog ??so that he could walk at her own pace and run around the park.

The problem came when a man scolded him for carrying the animal loose. According to her, a “fucking old man”: “He came to scold me, but there is no one there. Besides, I was very far from him.”

And his argument does not end there. “What’s bothering you about my dog? Has he barked at you, bothered you or approached you? No, what the hell does he care,” he continues. “Really, I’m disgusted with life,” she finishes.

However, he has received criticism from the rest of the users of this social network, who tell him that the animal has to be tied and reproach him for addressing the man in those terms. “You can say things even if you are indignant, but without insulting older people,” one responds. “The way you explain it already says everything about you,” continues another. And most remind him: “Dogs can’t go loose.”