The deputy secretary of institutional action of the PP, Esteban González Pons, has warned that the new transfers from the Government of Pedro Sánchez to Junts due to the Amnesty law will make the possibility of an agreement to renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) even more difficult.

“It is very difficult to reach an agreement on the CGPJ with someone who is at the same time humiliating, disavowing and forcing the Supreme Court to correct itself by breaking the division of powers,” González Pons warned journalists in Bucharest during the Party congress. European Popular Party that is held in the Romanian capital and in which it has shown its support for the current president of the European Commission, Ursula Von del Leyen, to be re-elected after the European elections on June 9.

The popular leader, who is in charge of carrying out this negotiation on the CGPJ with the PSOE Executive and in which the European Commission, through Commissioner Didier Reynders, acts as mediator, has pointed out that in “this congress no one understands that the Government humiliate the Supreme Court and that we provide him with the excuse of siding with the judges when he is the main enemy of the judges.

“The Government cannot play at the same time to humiliate the judges and renew the Council,” insisted González Pons, who has called on the PSOE to decide because, as he has warned, “we are not going to allow it to attack with one hand the judges with Junts and with another defend them”. “I’m afraid that between today and tomorrow he will say that he is against the judges,” he anticipated.

González Pons explained that his party has the support of the EPP and the popular governments in the EU “which are the majority” “with respect to the rule of law, the amnesty and the co-purruption that seems institutionalized in the Government”, which he has branded as “weak” and “wormy” and who, as he has denounced, “cannot maintain the red lines in front of Junts or in front of anyone”, after the head of the Executive has recognized changes in the Amnesty law to give more guarantees to Junts that everyone will be amnestied.

For the popular leader, the Amnesty “was already unconstitutional and now it will be much more so, it already went against the European Treaties and now it will go even more against it”, which is why he has concluded that the Government “does not have the strength to defend the Constitution or the European Treaties”.

“What has been demonstrated today is that we Spaniards are going to pay for the Government’s weakness again,” remarked the popular leader, for whom Sánchez’s new transfers to Junts are “a new surrender” of Pedro Sánchez’s Government. to stay one more day in La Moncloa”.