The unions report an increase in verbal and physical attacks and threats against teachers at various educational centers in Sant Adrià de Besòs. About thirty teachers met last Thursday with representatives of the CGT, USTEC, CGT and the Intersindical to address this increase in attacks that they claim is widespread, but that is focused above all on an educational center in the municipality. Despite activating the protocol against harassment of teachers, several teachers have been forced to personally report the case to the Mossos d’Esquadra, and demand that the Department of Education review the mechanisms of action in the same cases to protect teachers. The group has called a rally next Wednesday, May 8.

Teaching professionals have been concerned about what they consider to be the ineffectiveness of current protocols that do not protect victims and leave them in a vulnerable situation. “The teachers have felt alone and abandoned by the administration, because despite following the protocol established by Educació, no one has supported them, and the only way out they have is to report it to the Mossos in a personal and nominative way,” denounces the delegate of the CGT Cosme Picó.

That is why they demand that they do not have to do it individually, because the teachers are marked within the centers and in front of the aggressors. This leads them to demand that the protocol for action in cases of harassment against teachers be redesigned.

“It is necessary that they feel protected, knowing that they have an administration that supports them at a given time and that they should not file complaints on their own and alone”; Picó adds. For all these reasons, teachers have announced a series of concentrations.