The president of the Provincial Council of Valencia, Vicente Mompó, participated a few days ago in Les Trobades d’Escola Valenciana that were held in Benimodo. His presence and the support of the institution that he presides at this meeting in favor of a public school and in Valencian earned him a reprimand from Vox, which considers the organizers of these traditional days in which practically all public schools participate and institutes of the province, as “traitors to the Valencian identity.” The complaint from Lo Rat Penat, an entity opposed to the unity of the language, forced Mompó to clarify his commitment to a Valencian that involves using “words from here”, but without giving up the participation of the Provincial Council in Les Trobades, which have continued to be celebrated after the controversy.

And Mompó does not govern with Vox. He does so with a regional formation such as Ens Uneix, led by former socialist leader Jorge Rodríguez, which allows him to enjoy a more focused majority without the pressure exerted by Abascal’s party, especially on symbolic issues. Thus, in the Provincial Council of Valencia there is a kind of government that has no problems in supporting the celebration of the Estellés Year or in continuing with the vast task of locating, exhuming and identifying the remains of victims of the Civil War and the post-war period in the Valencian regions.

Mompó gives such importance to the language he uses in both public and private spaces, that he decided that this area would depend directly on the Presidency. “The Provincial Council is working to defend the Valencian language and for its promotion and dissemination. One of the objectives of the provincial institution is to protect the hallmarks of Valencian identity and, without a doubt, Valencian is our hallmark par excellence,” they explain from those around the popular leader and mayor of Gavarda, a small town in the Ribera Alta. .

A roadmap that, according to sources from the regional leadership of the PPCV, has the full support of President Carlos Mazón, who understands the uniqueness of the province of Valencia, a territory where the left came closest to reaching the conservative bloc. in the 28-M elections. In fact, in the Provincial Council, if it had not been for the agreement between Ens Uneix and the PP, the left would have been able to govern. In this way, contrary to what it may seem, Mompó does not act outside his party but in connivance with it, showing a different PP from the one that has to negotiate with Vox to move the legislature forward.

This allows it to allocate, through the Culture area, 100,000 euros to poetry recitals and shows in different localities on the occasion of the Año Estellés. In addition, the Alfons el Magnànim Institution will allocate around 40,000 euros in publications linked to the poet from Burjassot, according to the Mompó team.

Likewise, while the processing of the controversial Concord Law is being debated in Les Corts (which has even received a slap on the wrist from the United Nations), the Provincial Council of Valencia has already activated direct subsidies to town councils and memorial and memorial associations. relatives destined for projects of location, excavation, exhumation and identification of victims of the Civil War and the postwar period.

Sources from the institution emphasize that this item, which amounts to 210,000 euros, is added to the 850,000 euros -700,000 for town councils and 150,000 for associations- that the Provincial Council called last March, through the competitive bidding procedure, for the recovery of memorial heritage -in the case of the exhumation of trenches or the rehabilitation of shelters promoted by the town councils-; and for exhibitions, conferences, educational actions and other activities proposed by the associations.

If Mompó reserved the powers to promote the Valencian language, the vice-president Natàlia Enguix (Ens Uneix) claimed and has control of the area of ??historical memory, in a complicated time.

“The budget of more than one million euros that we allocated this year to the memory shows that, for this Provincial government, it continues to be an essential tool in today’s society to build a solid and democratic future,” explains Enguix. “The game “economic is important because it confirms our will to repair and dignify the victims of the conflict, but the informative task is no less important so that new generations know a history that has been told to us incomplete and that should never be repeated again,” adds the responsible for Democratic Memory.

The demonstration of this pedagogical added value that Enguix is ??committed to is evident with the newly created literary prize for works related to Memory – ‘María La Jabalina’ Award -, and the ‘Memory in School’ awards that are have been developing in recent years, working directly with educational centers.

The Provincial Council emphasizes that the commitment to actions for reparation and recognition of those who have been retaliated against has resulted in dozens of projects developed in almost 20 municipalities, with 1,160 victims exhumed and more than a hundred identified, after anthropological analysis and evidence. of DNA. A line of work that has not been broken after the change of government in the provincial institution.