The challenge for the hundreds of volunteers who participate in the ‘Temps de Flors’ floral exhibition, which year after year – and there are already 69 of them – turns the city of Girona into a large open-air garden, was enormous: spending hardly any water in the current drought scenario. A challenge that, without counting the occasional episode of rain that may fall over the next nine days, will have been achieved.

The 137 floral arrangements that decorate from today until May 19 a hundred spaces, including patios, gardens, streets, squares or bridges in the city, will be watered on only one day of the nine days that the exhibition lasts. The chosen day was yesterday, once the authors finished their creations after several days of hard work.

Using drought-resistant plants was a mandatory requirement for participants. Hence, this year there is more presence of dried flowers or plants that do not require watering, the latest generation sponges that concentrate humidity or materials such as plastic or paper are used.

Yesterday, walking through Girona, one could already breathe the hustle and bustle of the preparation of an event that last year attracted more than 365,000 visitors to the city and generated an economic impact of 10 million euros. While the volunteers finalized their creations, the numerous tourists in the Barri Vell photographed each of the corners that have begun to sprout and flourish with their mobile phones in hand.

Many eyes were directed towards the imposing staircase of the Cathedral, whose steps were transformed into a large staff with the notes of the sardana Girona m’enamora. The authors of this proposal, which will be, as usual, one of the most portrayed, are a couple of florists from Barcelona, ??who have used cut flowers distributed in more than 200 planters.

Joan Manuel Guillén explains that the minimum amount of water has been used, about 240 liters, which will preserve them for all the days that the exhibition lasts. The pots have drainage to prevent water from evaporating.

Gaze in front of this montage, tourists from France, Italy, cyclists and from the country, like the couple formed by Fernando Cadens and Montse Roca, from Guissona, passing through the city. “We have taken the opportunity to make a mini photo report and show it to the family,” she said.

The stairs of the Sant Martí climb, in the heart of Barri Vell, a setting that appeared in the Game of Thrones series, emulate a sea of ??apples. A sea made with wild plants, made by students from the Institute of Sustainability and Medi Ambient of Barcelona. One of the teachers explained yesterday that the creation wants to be a “tribute to the Girona block, a local product.”

Another focus of attention will be the Plaza del Vi, where you will have to look up to see the human towers, created from dried flowers painted white, emulating pants; thyme, fern, lavender and the t-shirts donated by 28 colles castelleres de Catalunya.

And on the iconic Eiffel bridge or Peixateries Velles, which was painted just a few months ago, Sandra, Laia and company were finalizing the details of a montage that will feature 4,800 flowers in the colors of the sunset and saffron hanging from a mesh that emulates a false ceiling. A proposal that is inspired by a Japanese poem. As many ideas as corners decorated for the occasion.