
Foxing, an emo band from Saint Louis, recently made a powerful return with their new music. The band took part in a joint headlining tour with the Hotelier almost a year ago, playing a series of dates in November and February. During this tour, both bands performed their early-career albums in their entirety, celebrating the tenth anniversary of two landmark emo records.

While some may see this nostalgic framing as a distraction from the band’s innovative ideas, Foxing has continued to evolve and push boundaries since their early days. Their latest album, simply titled Foxing, showcases a blend of prog-rock splendor and intense screamo elements. Front man Conor Murphy delves into themes of parasitic capitalism and societal drain, with the band’s music reflecting a desperate struggle against these forces.

The band’s sound on the new album is characterized by a sense of urgency and intensity, with each song feeling like a hard-fought battle. Tracks like the eight-minute single “Greyhound” capture this feeling of barely prevailing, leaving listeners with a sense of relief and catharsis. Foxing’s ability to convey this struggle and emotion in their music sets them apart from other fourth-wave emo bands.

In addition to their musical evolution, Foxing has a reputation for putting on dynamic live performances. Their upcoming show at Outset, with support from From Indian Lakes and Pictora Vark, is sure to be a must-see event for fans of the band and emo music in general. The concert promises to deliver a mix of intense energy, emotional depth, and captivating performances that showcase Foxing’s growth and artistry.

Overall, Foxing’s return to greatness with their new music is a testament to their continued innovation and artistic vision. As they navigate themes of struggle, resilience, and societal critique, the band’s music resonates with listeners on a deep and emotional level. Their upcoming show in Chicago is a chance for fans to experience this energy and passion firsthand, making it a concert to have on your radar.