
In the science fiction novel “Remember You Will Die” by Eden Robins, the story revolves around an AI character named Peregrine and her daughter Poppy. The novel explores human experiences such as love, jealousy, betrayal, grief, mortality, and the search for meaning through the lens of AI characters. Poppy’s conception through experimental fertility treatment and her upbringing as a fugitive with the help of compassionate humans add layers to the narrative.

The book spans different time periods, from ancient Roman epitaphs to the first human colonists on Mars, creating a complex and interconnected storyline. The characters in the novel, including scientists and artists, grapple with questions of legacy, mortality, and the purpose of art in their respective eras. The theme of mortality is prominent throughout the book, with characters reacting to death in different ways.

The novel also delves into the role of obituaries in society, highlighting the importance of remembering and documenting lives. Characters like Dante Pellegrino express conflicting views on legacy and remembrance, adding depth to the exploration of mortality in the story. The narrative touches on themes of memory, legacy, and the human quest for meaning in a world shaped by AI and technological advancements.

While the unconventional format of the novel may make it challenging to connect deeply with the characters, the book offers a fresh and thought-provoking reading experience. Through interludes exploring the etymology of key words and themes, the author provides insight into the emotional states of the characters and the evolving nature of language over time.

Overall, “Remember You Will Die” presents a unique perspective on the human experience through the eyes of nonhuman characters. It invites readers to contemplate the fleeting nature of life, the complexities of memory and legacy, and the enduring quest for meaning in a rapidly changing world. The novel blends elements of historical fiction, speculative storytelling, and philosophical reflection to create a rich tapestry of interconnected stories that challenge readers to reconsider what it means to truly live.