
Chicago Children’s Theatre’s latest production, Milo Imagines the World, is a captivating and heartwarming show that takes audiences on a magical journey. Based on the book by Matt de la Peña and adapted by Terry Guest, the musical follows the story of Milo, a young boy whose mother is incarcerated, and the bond he shares with his sister, Adrienne.

The play explores themes of family, imagination, and resilience, showcasing the power of creativity in overcoming life’s challenges. Through Milo’s vivid imagination, the audience is transported into a world where anything is possible, and where kindness and connection prevail.

Directed by Mikael Burke, the production features a talented cast, with standout performances from Ian Thigpen as Milo, Livia Robin as Adrienne, and Bri Buckley as their mother. The music by Christian Magby and lyrics by Christian Albright add depth and emotion to the storytelling, while the choreography by Breon Arzell and the sets and costumes by Eleanor Kahn and Izumi Inaba enhance the magical atmosphere of the show.

Milo Imagines the World is not just a children’s play—it’s a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant piece of theater that will appeal to audiences of all ages. It’s a celebration of urban life, empathy, and the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity.

Overall, Milo Imagines the World is a must-see production that will leave you feeling inspired and uplifted. It’s a reminder of the importance of imagination, family, and love in navigating life’s challenges, and a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this magical journey at the Chicago Children’s Theatre.