
Exploring Capraesque Capers in Chicago – A Guide by Chicago Reader

Nine years have passed since the premiere of Paul Slade Smith’s witty, political farce, originally titled A Real Lulu, at the Peninsula Players in Door County, Wisconsin. Back then, the notion of someone with zero experience being elected to a higher office seemed absurd and perfect for a couple of hours of light-hearted laughter. However, a year later, this very premise proved successful in winning the White House, complemented by an increasingly unrepresentative electoral college.

Now known as The Outsider, Smith’s story about a reluctant lieutenant governor thrust into the governor’s role and a charismatic but politically inexperienced individual who captures the public’s attention for their TV-friendly appearance, feels almost innocent in today’s political climate. The satire is gentle and bipartisan, poking fun at a culture that prioritizes image over substance, without veering into constitutional subversion or authoritarian promises.

The Buffalo Theatre Ensemble’s revival, directed by Kurt Naebig, captures the essence of Smith’s script. The cast delivers likable performances, portraying relatable characters who engage the audience in an enjoyable theatrical experience. While some comedic scenes require more physicality than others, the overall production successfully recreates the charming, Capraesque quality of Smith’s narrative.

Robert Jordan Bailey shines as a nerdy policy wonk, while Hugh Callaly impresses as a sly political consultant. Laura Leonardo Ownby brings charm to her portrayal of a Sarah Palin-esque political figure, despite occasional missed comedic opportunities. The ensemble excels in creating believable characters within an engaging storyline, resonating with Smith’s themes of honesty, integrity, and championing the underdog.

Like Frank Capra’s films, Smith’s work emphasizes characters who embody integrity and compassion, culminating in an uplifting conclusion that leaves the audience with a sense of hope and optimism. Naebig and the cast effectively convey these values, staying true to the heartwarming spirit of the play.

Overall, The Outsider at Buffalo Theatre Ensemble offers a delightful theatrical experience, blending humor, satire, and heartwarming moments in a production that pays homage to classic storytelling while remaining relevant in today’s political landscape.