
**A Twentysomething Roller-Coaster Ride: Experiencing “This Is Our Youth” at Gwydion Theatre Company**

My first encounter with Kenneth Lonergan’s 1996 contemporary classic, “This Is Our Youth,” was nothing short of a visceral thrill. Set in a small black box theater and directed by a cast of talented twentysomethings, the production at Gwydion Theatre Company offered an intimate and captivating experience. Under the skillful direction of Andrew Shipman, the play delves into the roller-coaster ride of emotions that come with being in your twenties, a sentiment that remains unchanged despite the play’s Reagan-era ΚΌ80s setting.

Initially, I found myself labeling the main characters, Dennis (played by Grayson Kennedy) and Warren (portrayed by Kason Chesky), as “little shitheads.” However, as the story unfolded, I was surprised by the depth of feelings I developed for these lost, misguided, and navel-gazing youths. Their emotional turmoil struck a familiar chord, unsettlingly reminding me of aspects of myself that I had hoped to outgrow, yet undoubtedly shaped the trajectory of my adult life. As nihilistic Jessica (brought to life by Annalie Ciolino) would cynically point out, our future selves often invalidate who we are in the present moment.

### A Captivating Performance

The relationships among Dennis, Warren, and Jessica are tempestuous and physical, portrayed with energy and full-body commitment by the talented cast. Chesky, a still an undergraduate student at Northwestern University, shines as the contemplative Warren, a character whom audiences can’t help but root for, reminiscent of John Bender from “The Breakfast Club.” While on the surface, the play unfolds as a zany buddy comedy as the boys navigate their way around Warren’s intimidating father, known as “the most dangerous lingerie manufacturer in the world,” on a deeper level, it serves as a poignant reflection on the paralysis and pressure that comes with youthful potential.

Dennis embodies the id to Warren’s ego, his relentless behavior often infuriating, particularly in his interactions with his girlfriend. Yet, there is something undeniably relatable in his manic malaise. Ciolino’s portrayal of Jessica strikes a delicate balance between detachment and raw emotional vulnerability, offering another poignant perspective on how young adults can often sabotage their own growth.

### An Emotional Roller-Coaster

The production of “This Is Our Youth” at Gwydion Theatre Company is a captivating exploration of the complexities of youth and the universal struggles of finding one’s place in the world. Through the dynamic performances of the cast, the play delves into themes of friendship, love, and the overwhelming sense of uncertainty that often accompanies the transition into adulthood.

As the characters navigate their way through the tumultuous landscape of their twenties, audiences are taken on an emotional roller-coaster ride filled with moments of laughter, heartache, and self-discovery. The raw and unfiltered portrayal of the characters’ struggles serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges and joys that come with growing up.

### Conclusion

In conclusion, Gwydion Theatre Company’s production of “This Is Our Youth” offers a thought-provoking and immersive experience that resonates with audiences of all ages. Through its compelling performances and insightful exploration of the complexities of youth, the play serves as a poignant reminder of the universal struggles and triumphs that come with navigating the turbulent waters of young adulthood.