
I was thrilled to see the article paying tribute to the iconic writer Rod Serling in the Chestnut Hill Local. I have always admired Serling’s creativity and never missed an episode of The Twilight Zone. It was fascinating to read about your personal experience interviewing him shortly before his passing. The fact that he appeared fit during your meeting must have made his sudden death even more shocking.

Learning about Serling’s Jewish heritage and his traumatic wartime experiences added a new layer to my understanding of the man behind the legendary TV shows. It was intriguing to hear that your former father-in-law, who lived in Ithaca, New York, had interactions with Serling while he was teaching there. The description of Serling’s visits as eagerly anticipated moments filled with insightful conversations and genuine kindness painted a vivid picture of the man outside of his public persona.

I wholeheartedly agree with your observation about Serling’s moral compass and his willingness to tackle unpopular truths. In today’s world, where dissenting opinions are often dismissed or labeled in negative ways, Serling’s commitment to speaking truth to power feels more relevant than ever. The challenges he faced with censorship and corporate pressure to avoid controversial topics serve as a reminder of the importance of free expression and challenging the status quo.

Your mention of current issues, such as the suppression of uncomfortable topics in education and the conflation of criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, struck a chord with me. The parallels you drew between past struggles and present-day challenges highlighted the ongoing need to uphold freedom of speech and resist attempts to silence dissenting voices.

Thank you for another thought-provoking and informative column. Your insights into Rod Serling’s life and legacy have deepened my appreciation for his work and the principles he stood for.

Judy Rubin
Mt. Airy