The small herd cattle farming enterprise is not for the faint-hearted. It is for people who choose a different lifestyle of being a farmer while providing the necessary animal by-products that cattle husbandry can provide to the rest of the world. One of the most important investments other than the land necessary and the livestock is the acquisition of the small cattle shed that is practical, useful and tailor-made to meet the needs of both the cattle and the farmer. 

Just to have a building or small cattle shed in your operation is not enough. It can actually be a detriment and a huge loss of money and capital if not designed properly around your herd and your operation. There are a huge variety of factors that need to be considered when making this decision to purchase or replace or even add to your existing small cattle sheds and buildings.

One such company that you should consider partnering up with is or just DueA . They have become the leaders in high tech, practical and useful buildings for livestock in Europe and Northern Africa. They are located in Northern Italy and have a reach over several European countries.

The company originally was formed in 1994 in structural steel as a provider that specialized in both heavy steel and precision steelwork. However, by 2002 the company changed its focus to using their expertise in structural steel to create high quality, practical and useful buildings for the livestock farming industry. This has proved very useful for the company and the end users of their products. 

The key to their success has been the tailor-made design resulting in new patents of their buildings. They fully understand what is needed for the small cattle shed that the small holdings farmers need and at the same time fully meet European standards. 

For example, in the dairy farming business, they design buildings that meet and exceed requirements for free and fixed stalling. Their ventilation and cooling systems are designed to make sure that maximum production of the animal is maintained throughout the lifespan of the animal. 

The scope of services that this company can provide for the small holding farmer who is in need of a top of the line small cattle shed cannot be discussed in enough detail here. Your best solution would be to see their web page at  then give them a call for initial discussion on your particular operation.