When it comes to commercial grade mixers for dry mortars and rotary drum mixers, the word “extraordinaire” does not usually come to mind. We normally reserve that word for describing people and events or even exquisite food and dining experiences and vacation resorts. 
However, when it comes to commercial manufacturers that help produce the products and supply chain the materials that enhance our lives, Sofraden  is just one of those “extraordinaire” companies that do just that. They make the mixers that make the mortar that make your homes and commercial buildings a thing of beauty.
So what exactly are a mixer for dry mortars and rotary drum mixers anyway? These are commercial grade mixers that are engineered and designed to mix dry mortar at the exact specifications for unique applications and mix in such a way as to maintain the correct temperature and batch requirements. In addition, since requirements can change per order among different companies or accounts, the ease of cleaning the mixers is extremely paramount for efficiencies and large sequential production.
Mortar intensive blade mixers are specifically designed to meet meticulous specifications that require formulations that are exact and uniform. Anything short of that will produce an inferior product for commercial use in the dry-mortar products industry. The mixers produced by Sofraden  meet and exceed these requirements. 
There are particular products that are powders, granules including other bulk mixes that do not do well when mixed with high temperatures and abrasion. The very act of mixing may compromise these products as the mixing itself creates heat and erosion. The Sofraden rotary drum mixer operate at lower speeds and have a patented cross-flow feature during the mixing process. 
So what makes this company so “extraordinaire”? They have implemented the golden rule into their company’s bottom line. They will only produce that which they would want to use themselves. As such they have always, since their beginning in 1991 focused on creating industrial mixers that contain five elements. 
•    Performance
•    Reliability
•    Flexibility 
•    Scalability
•    Clean-ability
The range of services that are offered not only include the initial manufacture of these mixers but include after-market support from maintenance, performance audits, to upgrades and meeting new requirements with existing mixers. This company is truly “extraordinaire”! They are just one of those companies that average person never hears about, but enjoys the quality of life associated with the end product and application.