Nearly everyone in the professional world wants to attain that promotion that gives them a corner office and the role of delegating work. The truth is that many people do not understand what it takes to get a promotion in the first place. Some people stop trying at work after a few months because they believe a new position should be handed to them. For those people that put in a consistent effort month after month a promotion could become a reality. The small details matter when it comes to promotions as productivity plays a role but it is not the only deciding factor. The following are small things that can make a huge difference and land that corner office for you soon rather than later.

Improving Productivity Month After Month By Working Smarter

Management is going to look at those for a promotion and see how they have been improving month after month. Those people with stagnant productivity numbers are not looking for ways to improve as working smarter is always an option. One thing that can be done is to eliminate distractions like that of email. Checking email can distract a person from their current task when most emails can be answered within an hour without issue. Small things like checking email once an hour or so can help a person complete tasks in a faster way. The more time that you are actually working straight the more that will get done as a majority of emails can wait. If the email was so urgent you can be messaged, called, or video chatted so keep your head down to complete the most work possible.

Hosting a Great Company Party

When looking for a new manager the company looks towards people who are considered “team players”. Hosting a company party a few times a year or annually will let the company know that you care enough to let staff have fun at your home. This can become a mess so an outdoor area with an outdoor brick pizza oven can allow the cooking and fun all to take place outside. The one thing that you need to watch out for is people drinking too much then driving home. Encourage people to take Ubers as you do not want to be liable for something if they are involved in an accident. Invite management as well as you do not want this to be lost on staff that cannot help in your career path.

Let Management Know A Promotion Is On Your Mind

One thing that is simple is to sit down with your direct manager and ask them what you need to do to get a promotion. This will allow you to hear your strengths as well as weaknesses so you can start improving on both. Keep your name in the mind of the manager so when they discuss those up for a promotion that you are at least mentioned. Ask for specific areas to improve or certain numbers you need to attain in order to put yourself in the running. If you run a small team of employees ask them where you can improve whether it is in your communication or delegation of tasks. Getting constructive input is huge in the process of improving yourself as an employee.