When you think about anything water-resistant, you readily think about the benefits you can get from it. Such is the case with water resistant flooring. In a home where there is high foot traffic, not to mention pets and small children, choosing a type of flooring that is resistant to water is beneficial to everyone. You don’t have to postpone the fun in the pool with the kids during the summer if you always think of getting your floor wet by kids who come in the house from the swimming pool.

Sweep before mopping

Sweeping before mopping is the first rule in cleaning vinyl floors, or any floor for that matter. If you are going to wipe your floor, always sweep first before damp-mopping it. Sweeping gets rid of solid residues both from inside and outside the house. Using a wet mop on a dirty floor will only make it messier, as the residues will adhere to the damp floor and make it hard to eliminate.

Dry the floor right away

Whatever you or your kids spilt on your water-resistant floor – be it water, wine, ink or other liquids – make sure to dry it up at once. Drinks with sugar content are always harder to clean up after they have dried on the floor. Allowing the liquid to settle on the vinyl floor will cause damage. The liquid will seep into the boards and create more serious problems for you.

Clean chemical spills using the right cleaner

If you ever spill any chemical on the floor, make sure to use only the right cleaning agent to get rid of the chemical compound. Research the type of cleaner that is appropriate for the chemical that you have spilt. Using the wrong one can cause more damage than you can imagine.

Use appropriate cleaners for different stains

Different stains require different cleaning agents. You can find most of these cleaners in your kitchen cupboard. Not only are they useful in removing spots and stains as well as keeping your floor clean and free from scuff marks, but they are also milder compared to chemical cleaning agents.

•    Rubbing alcohol gets rid of makeup and ink stains.

•    Baking soda removes wine stains.

•    For more stubborn spots and stains, use liquid dish soap.

•    For everyday cleaning, use apple cider vinegar diluted in water.

•    You can make your floor shinier with the use of jojoba oil.

•    Remove scuff marks with WD-40.

Remember, water-resistant is a whole world of different from waterproof, so keep this in mind. A water-resistant floor can still be damaged by water and other liquids if not given attention right away. Understand that if you have water-resistant laminate flooring that you need to maintain it if you don’t want to experience any problems over time. The proper care and maintenance of your flooring will save you a lot of headaches and money over the years. Caring for your floors will also add to your home’s resale value if you plan to put it up for sale in the future.

Image: Pixabay.com