Email has become a critical tool for business communication. A majority of companies today rely on emails to correspond internally with employees and externally with clients. With increased reliance on emails, there is also a need to make sure that proper archiving solutions are employed. However, there are challenges involved with archiving emails as it can take up a considerable amount of storage space.

In most cases, a company uses a secondary storage option for archived emails. Herein lies the importance of using the right archiving solutions tool. Finding email archiving solutions like office 365 email archiving is easy. Each archiving solution has different features and strengths which is suitable according to the specific needs of a company. To find the best fit for your company, the following should be considered.

Compatibility with current company software infrastructure

Before employing an email archiving solution, you need to check if it will seamlessly interface with the existing email database or software system in use. If the company uses several platforms, the archiving solution should have cross-platform compatibility. Otherwise, for smaller companies, using a focused email archiving solution may be a better choice.

Check the performance and scalability option

The scale of use impacts email archiving solution performance. As storage needs increases, the performance of the archiving solution may decline. You need to look for an email archiving solution offering efficient scalability.

Choose adequate storage capability

When you adopt an email archiving solution, you’ll need to allow storage space using a dedicated server. Storage requirements depend on the needs of the company. Once again, the scalability of the solution comes into play. The storage solution should have flexible storage options which increase along with the needs of the company.

Evaluate special features

The standard features of an email archiving solution include storage capacity and effective retrieval options. Being able to query is also vital to effectively search and retrieve important documentation needed for litigation. If there are special features included in the solution, you need to evaluate if there is a legitimate business need for these features. Otherwise, the added cost is not justified. As much as possible, look for an email archiving solution with the standard features with some added features that cater to the needs of the company.

Consider the cost of maintenance and licensing fees

Before purchasing an email archiving solution, you need to factor in how much it will cost to maintain the software and pay for licenses. There should be sufficient planning and budget deliberation to ensure the inclusion of the acquisition in the operational expenses of the company.

Retain current retention and deletion policies

Email archiving tools come with the capability for configuring retention and deletion rules. However, changing these rules according to the software is not the most efficient option. Instead, take into account the existing policies employed by the company concerning email retention and deletion, then map this out in the new email archiving tool. There is no need to rehash or change policies on conservation and removal upon acquisition of an email archiving tool.
