Without a doubt, if you are planning an event, you have your work cut out for you. There are seemingly endless details you have to think about, and you can’t neglect any aspect; otherwise, your event could become a disaster. But one way you can make the planning and preparation easier is to create a checklist. When you create your own detailed and customised checklist, this will give you the direction you need, and it will also give your staff the proper information to execute your wishes. Here, then, is your all-important guide to creating an effective checklist for your event.

Note the specifics

First, note down the specifics of the event, such as the date, the time, the venue or location, and the type. But apart from this, you need to specify the goals and objectives of your event as well as determine who your audience will be. To establish your goal, think about the reason why you are holding the event in the first place. It could be a fundraising activity, an event to launch a product, and so on. It’s essential to determine your objectives as well. Write down your concrete objectives, such as raising £20,000, getting sales leads, etc. – when you have specific objectives, it’s easier to incorporate elements into your event which will help you achieve these objectives.

Another specific which you should take into consideration is your audience. You have to know them and what they need, as only then can you determine their expectations. Note that expectations can vary as well – it can be as simple as comforts such as clean WCs and good parking or as complex as tech-savvy effects and presentations and a brilliant location.

Ascertain your budget

Your budget will comprise various categories, but some of the major ones may include venue, catering, décor, rental fees for AV equipment, and so on. Under these major categories, list down details such as packages of which you can avail, discounts from suppliers such as an audio visual equipment supplier, and others.

Create the design of the event

In your checklist, note down the actual design of your event – which means taking note of components such as the programme, the layout, the theme, and the décor. In regard to the programme, think of your objective and goal once again. Each element of the programme should lead on to the next in a seamless, cohesive flow. Remember to build anticipation with your programme with a good timeline.

For the layout, think about your use of the space, and this includes seating as well. Even the smallest elements such as mistakes in the placement of the wires and cords can result in catastrophe. Make a visual layout and make sure you adhere to it. Meanwhile, the theme is also important, as it’s not just to give your event a ‘fun’ aspect. Choosing a theme helps you create a buzz around your event, and it helps you connect other components such as entertainment, catering, and décor. Speaking of décor, think about what your guests and attendees will see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. What will your guests experience with their senses when they attend your event? Think about this when choosing your décor, be it accent pieces, lighting, wall hangings or coverings, stage effects, or other things.

Of course, there are other aspects, such as food and drink, entertainment, speakers, marketing, and logistical requirements. But if you have a good checklist which incorporates all these, you can plan your event in a more effective (and much easier) way.

Image attributed to Pixabay.com