We can’t live without many things nowadays. We can’t imagine, for instance, living without a cell phone – this gadget has become so ingrained in our lives that many of us spend hours each day glued to our cell phones. Most of us can’t live without electricity, either, and only a few brave individuals choose to live off the grid. Admittedly, without these modern advancements, we’d have a hard time. But these modern advancements come with some consequences as well; if you’ve heard about EMF radiation, then you know exactly what we are implying. But what can you do to reduce your risk of health conditions due to overexposure to electromagnetic fields? Here’s how you can easily reduce your EMF exposure when using your cell phone, appliances, and more.

When using your cell phone

We can now do a lot of things with our cell phones – we can place calls, text, browse the web, and so on. But cell phones emit a lot of EMFs, and we are at risk from too much cell phone radiation. One way you can limit your exposure is to put your cell phone on speaker when you have to place a call. If you can’t put your cell phone on speaker mode, you can still limit your exposure by using a headset with wires.

You should also avoid storing your cell phone next to your skin when you go out; don’t put it in your pocket, for instance. But if you can’t avoid putting your cell phone in your pocket, you should at least try to store it with the screen facing the other way from your body. If you can, avoid using your cell phone in enclosed spaces made of metal such as trains, planes, cars, or lifts. Your cell phone will try to get more power if you use it in an enclosed metal space, therefore emitting more radiation. Of course, it’s always better if you can send a text rather than call.

You can also make use of special cell phone radiation protection products such as chips and shields; just make sure the product you buy is reliable, is of good quality, and comes from a good manufacturer.

When using other appliances or gadgets

If you have a wireless WiFi router, keep it in a location or room which is hardly used by your family. If you can’t keep it in an empty or unused room, you should turn it off when no one is using it. Turn it off before sleeping as well.

Be careful with how you use your laptop – avoid placing it on your lap. Try to keep your distance from your desktop monitor as well and avoid putting cables and wires near your feet. Opt for a wired printer rather than a wireless one and use a wired mouse as well as a wired keyboard.

Your bedroom should also be a safe haven from EMFs; you can make it so by keeping it as free from electronics as possible. For instance, avoid having a television in your bedroom (or if you do, unplug it when not in use). Keep your bedroom free from computers and laptops, cell phones, and routers as well. Another way to keep your bedroom safer is to use an alarm clock which is battery-operated rather than electric and keep power strips or extension cords and cables away from the bed. Try not to use mattress warmers or electric blankets either.

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