the coniferous and birch forests as far as the eye can see, mystical Moors, shred the Mist as Feengewänder scurry and nights that are no more, because in the summer the sun scars even at midnight, only just below the horizon long: Estonia is full of places that seem more likely to be from the realm of the to Say than the reality.

29 inhabitants per square kilometre, sparsely populated, only a few countries in Europe (230 in Germany). Who is looking for the loneliest corner of Estonia, you must visit Aivar Ruunkel in the Soomaa national Park. 400 square miles in the southwest on the border with Latvia. Only 60 people live here, almost seven square kilometres.

Especially impressive are the directions to “Riisa Ransos Guesthouse is” of Köpu from the Southeast. 20 kilometers of vast gravel road that leads through the Northern jungle, past the numerous bogs, ponds and Prairie meadows-like. No man far and wide. And although Aivar sent prior to the Report, visitors from Germany, the coordinates on Google Maps, this is one of the now rare moments, in which travelers with the old, good maps equip. Who knows how well the route is signposted. And who knows how far the mobile networks. 14 countries, 14 Reporter – solutions, which can be for our society as a model

FOCUS Online launches a new and constructive Reportage series. The target: perspectives for Germany’s social and societal future. What other countries do better and what you can learn Germany from international models? To find answers, travel 14 FOCUS-Online-a Reporter in 14 different countries.

All of the already published stories, you can find here.

But the bars in the signal strength on the phone is not easy. After ten kilometres you have to be careful not to sheer Kontrolliererei to drive in a curve straight into a swamp.

Only in very few corners of the country, where really nothing is, you have to have a bit of patience. 84.1 percent are covered according to the mobile network, researchers of the “Open Signal”, in Germany only 65,67 percent. “This is one of the great advantages of Estonia”, quips Aivar: “The Land is just so flat. And that’s why there are here two things are really everywhere: the Internet, and mosquitoes.“

high-tech even in the exit moor

most high-For 25 years, Aivar, along the small river runs Halliste is a canoe rental. “For me, accessibility via phone and E-Mail, of course, was from the beginning is essential for survival, like many other Estonians, which is similar to remote life as I am,” says the 51-Year-old, whose facial expressions even in serious things rogue will remain, framed by a gray stubble beard and Mecki. “The customers book directly with us, many come at the last minute. Of course, it is important to be quickly accessible.“

Aivar has already been rental for 20 years, a home for the canoe. He was down to the mid-90s, with a radar mast were used to a better reception for the wireless network. And is the living proof that there is in Estonia, as well as any place that is not covered by the 4G network. “Broadband is here, of course, it’s worth it.” After all, around 75 percent of the Estonians are fully connected to the glass fibre network in Germany, only 2.1 per cent. “For all of the glass fiber 4G is of course Gold. Because on Smartphones or Tablets, we can take advantage of the 400,000 people in Tallinn Online Banking and all public services, the Estonian state offers. This saves a lot of time and nerves.“

Cheap family idyll in the country, thanks to digital projection

Also for Sim and Kati (both 29) is the extremely good Internet connectivity is of inestimable value. Until recently, the young Couple lived in a tower block apartment in the centre of Tallinn district Mastamäe. “Tallinn is very beautiful, as both work there.” But Rents for nice houses in the old town were relatively high, and especially the two small children wanted the Couple to create a more beautiful environment. You found a nice and inexpensive typical Estonian wooden house 50 kilometers South of Tallinn, located in the Green, with a huge garden. “We’re happy here and commute daily to Tallinn. Thanks to the fast Internet, we also lose no time with the nerve of authorities courses or banking transactions. We do everything online.“

5G is knocking at the Estonian doors with a data speed of 10 GB – per-second

Meanwhile, the Estonian preparing mobile operators for the use of the next generation of networks: 5G. This technology will revolutionize the digitization of our life in a way. Because with mobile data transmission speeds, data rates of up to 10 gigabytes per second (instead of a maximum of 150 MB in the 4G network in ideal conditions) permit, is the so-called “Internet of things” possible. Things like automated Driving. Or the complex networking of multiple physical objects of a building, such as heating, ventilation, lighting control and Live control of multiple surveillance cameras, as well as the use of robots in the house.

WiFi repeater in the Estonian forest

For Aivar Ruunkel and Canoeing in Soomaa national Park, will this technique do not put believed to be of fundamental importance. Which means that of the Este, who sees himself as a digital nomad the first grade, will not be one of the first, which will create all of the technical requirements in the deserted Wilderness.

Who is immersed in the dreamy backdrop of the six small wooden houses on Halliste river, can’t resist a Grin. Because in the Central block of the house with rustic furniture is striking, despite the romantic is a small, orange sign in front of a baffle with a summer flower-filled Vase immediately: “WiFi” on there. The canoe-the Kid circling it with his Smartphone as bees to the nectar, the stitched eyes on the network name and password for the 4G amplifier.

escape to the bog to draw for a couple of days the digital plug

of Course, surprise guests “to be top-of-the cries of delight from itself,” says the digital nomad. But this applies not for all. “More and more often I meet customers who ignore the sign, ice cold and say to me: ‘thank you.'” They had chosen the solitude, to experience at least times a totally network-free week, without SMS, E-Mail or a single phone call. Aivar Ruunkel: “people are looking for total radio silence, in the Nothing. A crazy people.“

In Estonia, Soomaa national Park digitisation canoe Internet mobile 4G 5G radio mast