The state election in Hesse will take place on 28. October since 2014, Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) has governed with the green electoral districts in Hesse – results, candidates and parties in the Overview of the state election in Hesse in the Live-Stream FOCUS Online reporters on the choice of parties before OrtPeinliche breakdown: the German government’s coordinator for transatlantic cooperation published the first Figures

1643: Embarrassing mishap during the course of the Hesse election: Peter Beyer, the German government’s coordinator for TRANS-Atlantic cooperation and member of the CDU in the Bundestag, to have published on his Facebook-page, Exit-Polls, with first Numbers. The mirror Online reported. In the case of Exit-Polls are still very unreliable personal accounts. In addition, it could affect the publication of such Figures will make the course of choice. Beyer has deleted the Post now.

First Figures on electoral participation – Bouffier complains at the ballot box about Grand coalition-influence

15.12 PM: In the Hesse state election has emerged until the afternoon to have a slightly lower turnout than five years ago, at the time the ballot took place but also in parallel to the Bundestag election. The country’s election management in Wiesbaden, Germany, spoke on Sunday of 38.8 percent up to 14.00 hrs. This would result in queries in each of the five circle-free cities of Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Wiesbaden, Offenbach and Kassel. In 2013, the value was at the time, therefore, at 40.0 percent. In the case of the 2009 parliamentary elections, had been at 14.00, only 29.7 per cent-significantly less than now counted.

At the end of the election, admit it, so far no problems, said state election Director Wilhelm Kanther on Sunday. “The thing is in full swing.” The polls are still open until 18: 00.

14.05 PM: the voter turnout different pictures show up for lunch in cool weather. In the Wiesbaden elective office, a spokesman said, in the 20 selected, representative constituencies, the turnout was around 12.00 at 25.2 percent. The be relatively little. In 2013, the Landtag and the Bundestag election coincided, whether it was at the time already 43.5 per cent, at the election in 2016 were counted at the time of 21.8 percent.

In Eastern Hesse reported to the election office in Fulda, however, at 11.00 a higher participation than in 2013. Thus, there were in the constituency 10 (red castle) 28,66% (2013: 26,00) and in the constituency, 11 (Hersfeld) 29,86% (2013: 27,91). The Frankfurt-based elective office language from 18.6 percent to 12.00 PM (2013: 23,9, 2009: 17,0), the in Wetzlar from 18,56% to 12.00 noon (2013: 21,29).

Bouffier, complaining about the “appearance” of the Grand coalition

13.22 PM: Prime Minister Volker Bouffier has now handed in his voice. “We have achieved a high level of recognition for our work and that is why I am also confident that we will get a renewed mandate,” said Bouffier on Sunday afternoon in Giessen, where he went together with his family choose. The CDU got the claim form as a decisive force the new government – “the best in the two-Alliance”.

Hesse was traditionally scarce, stressed the head of government. In addition, the election campaign from the “appearance” of the Grand coalition had been superimposed in Berlin. “We have always tried to make it clear: It comes to Hesse.”

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