After a 20-hour Blockade of a coal transportation railway in the Rhenish brown coal district, the protests in the hambach forest continue. The police began in the morning with the eviction of the occupied railroad at lignite open pit mine of Hambach.

the activists had chained themselves to information from the coalition for action “terrain”, according to on the tracks. After a cold night most of the 2000 squatters had left the tracks. During the eviction the police gave the protesters the opportunity to leave the track voluntarily. The other activists were, like on a Live Video.

The clearance is for the police very difficult. To the right and to the left of the Railway track is a high and steep embankment. The Blockade of the railway has the energy group RWE according to no consequences for the performance of the power plants. We had expected the protests and the Bunker to the power plants with coal stocks filled, said an RWE spokesman. So far, it had come to production limitations as a result of the Blockade.


There had been crimes committed, which meant for the company economic harm in not yet quantifiable amount. After the eviction, RWE had to investigate first, for safety reasons, the rails and the track bed, possibly repairs. According to the coalition for action “terrain” chained some of the activists on the tracks. The clearance should be completed in the course of a day, the Hambach railway, according to RWE again rapidly in a controlled operation.

With his to Monday’s planned protest actions, the Alliance “end site wants to demonstrate” for the umpteenth Time in the Rhenish opencast mining area against the coal-fired power generation. It calls for an “immediate exit strategy from Coal” and wants to set a “sign for climate justice”.

“RWE and the government cling to a destructive technology of yesterday,” said a spokeswoman of the “terrain”. According to the figures, around 6,500 activists involved in the protests.

spontaneous demonstration

in The morning, logged-in “terrain,” a spontaneous demonstration. According to police reports, the Demonstration of the blocked path on the fields village to the abandoned Days rotten go not, and from there to the Central vertex of the “terrain” in Düren.

thousands of climate change activists had disrupted on Saturday in the daily builds rubbed in the Rhineland, but also the public life in the Region: A motorway has been blocked section on hours after activists went on the road. Similarly, a Federal road and a section of the train were locked.

An obvious customer Bauer police drove according to the information in a field with his tractor, a group of activists. The police stopped him and arrested the man on a provisional basis. Against the farmer being investigated for attempted assault. Many residents of the Region complained to the police, according to the above impairments.

The police filed a report up Saturday night against a total of 400 activists of criminal charges. The public Prosecutor’s office Aachen have launched an investigation with breach of the peace, informed the police in Aachen.
