, you can come but also light-footed, contrary jumped. So how is the comparison between the Gerhard-Schröder-end time, and the Angela-Merkel-twilight. A Chancellor’s decision that splits the country and the party, the Erosion of authority in our own warehouse, Govern as to Justify fears of loss in the population of what was, for schröder’s term in office, the Agenda 2010, Merkel’s policy on refugees in 2015.

At the end of the Era Schröder, it was a state election that decided on the continuation of the Federal government: To the bitter losses of the SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2005, the resolution of the Federal government. The Hesse-choice, this weekend has the potential to be at the NRW-Moment of the great coalition. Especially since nearly three-quarters of voters say that their choice decision, the Federal and the state policy was crucial, as was recently a survey has revealed.

In one point, however, Merkel’s Situation is fundamentally different from that of your predecessor: Schröder had with the Greens, a coalition partner, wanted to hold on to the last of the government. The Chancellor has a coalition partner that didn’t want to be in the government. The SPD, which has a shout out to a party, Andrea Nahles in the Grand coalition, has done in the past few months, all to let the voters not forget that it is a government of a partner against his will.

The Repeat mode, the social Democrats, the Grand coalition question, is neither a sign of independence nor a proven means of pressure on the Union. Rather, it is an expression of the ceaselessly gnawing suspicion against itself, against its own decision, in a government. If now the CDU General Secretary, the word “elections” in the mouth, then the question arises in the case of all mobilization tactics: How to convince a coalition that is in Opposition to themselves, their voters?

The election in Hesse is mutated to a kind of the Bundestag election, but only seven percent of all eligible voters are able to participate in Germany. A province decides, possibly, about the government future of the entire Republic – to be responsible for the Union and the SPD have with your blatant threats like “no one can say what of the dynamics in each of the parties” or “We will not stay at any cost in the Grand coalition”. Actually, the consequence for the Federal government, can mean only, according to Hesse, the vote of all the voters.