This week a small Canadian crypto exchange named “MapleChange” notified its clients that it had fallen victim to a hack which resulted in a loss of customer-owned funds. In it’s Twitter account, the company notified all members that “due to a bug” a group of hackers were able to cash out money and that this is currently being investigated but no refunds will be made available in the foreseeable future.This week a small Canadian crypto exchange named “MapleChange” notified its clients that it had fallen victim to a hack which resulted in a loss of customer-owned funds. In it’s Twitter account, the company notified all members that “due to a bug” a group of hackers were able to cash out money and that this is currently being investigated but no refunds will be made available in the foreseeable future.

The owners of MapleChange are Canadian residents and have been exposed by the online community. If found guilty in a court of law the due can face possible jail time as well as massive fines for committing internet fraud and financial crimes. MapleChange is considered to be a small exchange, so unlike Mt. Gox which was also hacked will not influence Bitcoin prices. It will however add an added dimension of uncertainty, something which is definitely not needed during these troubling times when crypto scams such as Bitcoin Secret and Bitcoin Evolution are running rampant.