With The Truth about the case of Harry Quebert , Patrick Dempsey, fifty flaming, back by the big door. The series of TF1 has the attributes of a great success: a star is charismatic in the lead, an oscar-winning director and inspired such as Jean-Jacques Annaud and a story adapted from a best-selling book signed by the supremely talented Joel Dicker. TV Magazine was on the shooting at Montreal, where the actor has entrusted us with its new joy of living and his deep attachment to this serial event.

TV MAGAZINE. – In 2015, you leave, after eleven years, Grey’s Anatomy , the tv series that you revealed to the whole world: why have you agreed to play again in a series?
Patrick DEMPSEY. – What attracted me, this is the chance to work with Jean-Jacques Annaud. As soon as I mentioned his name, and even before they know the scenario, I was ready to book a flight to Paris to go to meet her – I was then in Europe, in Italy. Of course, I then read the book of Joel Dicker, but I wanted to first as Jean-Jacques could tell me about his vision for the series. He had everything in his head well before it starts to turn! The result is a film series full of emotion, very nuanced with scenery sublime.

The Truth about the case of Harry Quebert was the opening, last April, the first festival Canneséries…
This has been a great honour, especially as it is my first series post- Grey’s Anatomy . The transition is perfect. Harry Quebert arrived at the best moment in my career. In terms of creativity, this is what I shot better in my life. Proof that you need to know to close a door to another opens…

there were not, however, a risk taken when you left the comfort of the financial and the popularity that you brought Grey’s Anatomy ?
Yes, it is always difficult to leave a role or a series source of success and income guaranteed. Go into the unknown may seem scary, but it is important to know how to move on to something else to evolve and grow as an actor. I had to stop Grey’s Anatomy , in any case.

Question scenario, we had done everything. In my opinion, there was nothing more to explore. I speak in my own name, I don’t know for the other actors of the series. I woke up not with the same desire every morning. It is difficult to convey emotion in front of the camera in this context.

Sandra Oh has also left Grey’s Anatomy and is now a success leading with his series Killing Eve
It is a joy to see the other succeed individually. That of Grey’s Anatomy was based on a group of actors and a concept of series medical. Sandra Oh has left the cast before me. I would have liked to leave earlier, but we’re not going to rewrite history…

“I don’t see myself ironing ten seasons in a series of”

Patrick Dempsey

Return to The Truth about the case of Harry Quebert . What have you enjoyed about working with Jean-Jacques Annaud?
We communicate sometimes without talking. With a look, a gesture, I knew what he wanted. We worked intuitively. It was “Good, that’s it! We are going!” (he says it in French). Realize: Jean-Jacques has been there, present, for each scene shot, from the beginning until the end, with the same fervor! It radiated out of him such an artistic sensitivity that there was a magical atmosphere on this shoot. It was shot with three cameras, we shoot from three angles. We had no rehearsal, which was very exciting and scary at the same time. With Jean-Jacques, I have finally found the true meaning of our profession, which is to live this unique moment where anything can happen in front of the camera.

You seem to have rediscovered why you were an actor…
It is a kind of renaissance, yes. Every day, on this shoot, I felt as if I woke up from a great sleep… I felt I was finally “living” in exercising my profession. Jean-Jacques has changed my way of approaching the game. Until then, this magic, this flow, this concentration, I had only known at the wheel of a Porsche on the circuit des 24 heures du Mans.

How it is expressed there on a daily basis?
Now I relish the experience of playing, I take the time, I do research for my roles. Often in Hollywood, we do repetitions to the infinite and it ends up by no longer having meaning. And the magic vanishes…

This is to say?
In life, you don’t know what will happen, how the person in front of you will react or what she will tell you. As an actor, we must create the unexpected. I have found this way of working with Jean-Jacques, and my talented partner Kristine Froseth. Jean-Jacques has been able to capture her vulnerability and her freshness.

Your character through different ages, from 40 to 70 years. It is difficult to see elderly?
We’re not going to lie, this put me a little morale when I checked myself in the mirror. The key is to put your ego aside and think only of the game. This required six hours of makeup, it was hard, but, finally, I loved the experience of playing different ages! I was almost in a meditative state while I was ageing.

How do you envision the future?
I don’t see myself ironing ten seasons in a series. I want to continue to surpass myself and to work with people who inspire me. I am more happy than ever in my professional and personal life, with my wife and my three children. Since I am no longer in Grey’s Anatomy , I have more time for them. I enjoy my real life.

Takashi Seida

A forbidden love and mortal

Harry Quebert (Patrick Dempsey), author of a best-selling book became cult, and former university professor, was arrested after it was discovered a skeleton in the garden of his large property, located in a coastal town of Maine. This is Nola (Kristine Froseth), a young girl who had gone missing thirty years earlier. Quebert calls for the help of his former student, favorite, Marcus Goldman (Ben Schnetzer), itself became a novelist in vogue. The latter will then conduct the investigation and unearthing of secrets and disturbing… Beautifully directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, the series of ten episodes, faithfully adapted from the novel by Joël Dicker, place his intrigue on a background of violence, of betrayal and forbidden love.

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