brand new event, novel answer. But which one? In the Face of the “yellow vests”, their blockages sporadic, their claims are scattered and their contours unstable, the executive always looks for the parade. “It crunches a trick”, glisse-t-on in the entourage of the prime minister, Édouard Philippe. It must be said that the instruction of Emmanuel Macron is not simple. The president of the Republic has asked his troops to take account of the wrath of the “yellow vests” against the rise in taxes on fuel and at the same time do not let go on financing the ecological transition. Result: it patina. The “yellow vests” remain mobilized and ready to protest once again on Saturday, especially on the Champ-de-Mars in Paris.

” READ ALSO – Poll: the French support more and more the “yellow vests”

In the absence of knowing what he wants to do to respond to that, Emmanuel Macron already knows what he does not want to: a high mass …

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