at the Beginning of October, teams of eight investment funds of the metropolis floated up to The Meeting in the framework of the event, NxSE, the forum tech from Africa and the Indian ocean. These venture capitalists have encountered innovative SMES that are installed on an island more known for its volcano and its stunning landscapes than for its start-up.

Three times smaller than the island of Corsica, the French overseas department lost in the Indian ocean, 9,000 km from Paris, can boast of some technological achievements. The young shoot Orika, for example, performs three-quarters of its turnover to export with the solution of cash and commercial management for the distribution that has conquered such as Carrefour, Auchan or even Celio. Exodata, it services company, provides maintenance 24 hours on 24 and 7 days on 7 thanks to its presence on three continents with teams in the Caribbean and New Caledonia. She has managed to convince giants like Renault, …

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