The series of summer of 1993 the Figaro entitled “living Legends” was the occasion of great encounters, and the long portraits were published in the journal. On August 17, Balthus was in the spotlight. Let us re-read with relish the story of this meeting which took place in his chalet in Rossinière in Switzerland, where he died February 18, 2001.

Article that appeared in the Figaro of August 17, 1993

Balthus, the painter who has the poetry to sixth sense

The female voice on the phone had said: “To go from Geneva to the Alps, it is very simple. You take the motorway to Lausanne-Bern. You go out to Bubble, and there, in the direction of Château-d’oex. On the road, you will see Rossinière. Make sure you pay attention! At the entrance of the village, there is a bridge, do not cross: there is just the front, to the right, a small path. Agree-you, at the end of this pathway it is there that lives Balthus, in a large chalet surrounded by greenery.”

Everything had been easy up to the bridge. It was five hours less a quarter, beginning this summer. We had a quarter of an hour ahead of our appointment. The path to the right …

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