Having great products and services for your plumbing business is important but it just isn’t enough to make a business successful. You need people to know that your company exists and how you can serve them. This is where good marketing techniques come into play.

If you want your business to succeed, there are a few things that you need to do to accumulate steady growth in your customer base. Keep reading to check out these 7 useful plumbing advertising and marketing tips to help your business thrive.

1. Use Social Media Platforms Appropriately

Social media has almost completely transformed into an eCommerce driven world. Most business owners have harnessed the power of social media to promote their businesses and bring in new customers.

However, all platforms are not created equally. Figure out which one(s) works best for plumbing advertising and develop a strategy to test until the results start rolling in.

2. Effectively Target Local Audience

Most of your customers will be right under your nose. The tricky part is getting- and keeping- their attention. Make sure you are doing everything you can to appease your local audience.

This might include handing out flyers, leaving business cards around the neighborhood, sending direct mail to homeowners or even knocking on doors to self-promote.

3. Hire Marketing Specialists

Sometimes the world of marketing can get overwhelming if you aren’t an expert. In this case, it’s time to cut your time and frustration in half by reaching out to specialists who know plumbing advertising well.

Invest in plumber marketing to make sure that your website design, SEO, and all other branding components are done right.

4. Collaborate with Relevant Businesses

Businesses are often able to leverage off of each other by collaborating with companies relevant to theirs. Doing so allows you to gain access to each other’s audience and attract more potential buyers.

5. Be Present at Events

Here’s a great way to market your plumber business to the neighborhood. Sign up for tables at various tradeshows, community outreach activities and other events happening near your local market.

Make sure you come equipped with all your marketing tools prepared and be ready to put your best pitch forward.

6. Promote Special Deals

Everybody loves a discount- especially on a product or service that is a necessity. Run specials during opportune times, such as holidays, and promote them to your target audience.

This can help to encourage the people who have been sitting on the fence to buy your services.

7. Ask for Referrals

It may be cliche but the phrase “a closed mouth doesn’t get fed” is still as relevant as it has ever been. Even when people think you’ve done a great job and they would refer you to others, they don’t always remember to.

There isn’t any harm in asking satisfied customers to share their experience with family and friends. Be sure to add your testimonials to your website and social media. You can also run special deals for those who give referrals.

Looking for More Help with Your Plumbing Advertising?

Perfecting marketing methods for your brand is not an overnight job. And it can lead to a lot of frustration for business owners. However, that’s not something that you necessarily have to put yourself through in order to have success with your plumbing advertising.

Check out the business section of our website to help you with more tips and guidance on marketing your company