If you have been searching for the perfect diamond wedding ring, then you have unquestionably come across various cuts. The GIA Triple Excellent cut, Ideal cut diamond, or the Super Ideal cut, there are several cuts. Oddly enough, many of these cuts have identical certificates from the GIA. But there must surely be some difference, right?

Absolutely, there is some difference. But since most of us do not have any idea about diamond cuts, our diamond experts have compiled the following post for you. First and foremost, you need to understand that the GIA certificate is just one parameter for grading a diamond. Moreover, it doesn’t take into account the light performance of the piece.

So, without further ado, here is what you need to know about ideal diamond cuts.

About diamond cuts

The primary information that you need to keep in mind about diamond cuts is that it doesn’t deal with the shape only. The cut is also about refining the very essence of the diamond. And this is with respect to the proportion, symmetry and the polish. As far as the beauty of a diamond is concerned, there is nothing more important than the cut. The better the cut, the higher is the brilliance, fire, and scintillation.

For a better understanding of the factors


It is the amount of light that the diamond returns.


The fire is the flashes of color through the diamond in the light.


This refers to the sparkle in the diamond when moved in the light.

About the super-ideal cut

The super-ideal cut diamond is better at all of the parameters mentioned above compared to the standard cuts available on the market today. However, there are a number of merchants involved in false advertising, so it is essential not to get duped.

The idea cut diamond must adhere stringently to all the factors that affect the return of light through the diamond. Both the ideal cut and the super ideal cut require specialized tools for the actual cutting and polishing of the diamond.

Rest assured, if your diamond merchant is professional then every facet alignment gets taken into consideration. The symmetry is off the charts. And it is not just about the overall light return but also maximizing the return from every facet of the diamond. There are considerations about the contrast, brightness, patterns, scintillations, and fire that are taken into account minutely as well.

Why go for the ideal cut diamond?

Because of the brightness

The ideal cut emphasizes on the brightness and the whiteness of the jewelry. The sheer brilliance of the diamond will make it a show-off centerpiece at gatherings.

Because of the fire

Go for the ideal cut diamonds for the bold flashes of fire. The fancy shaped diamonds generally lack in contrast and the light return. However, the ideal cut will always make the jewel appear shiny and bright.

Because of the scintillation

Ideal cuts and super-ideal cuts are perfect as far as a balanced scintillation is concerned. When we are talking about a perfectly cut diamond, it is all about the balance of blue and red (the contrast, fire, and brightness). And, minimum whites and green (light leakage and low return).

Now that you are armed with all that information, we sincerely hope that you can make the right choice at your local jewelry store.