The green-and-blue majority in the Stockholm city hall is presenting on Tuesday, in a new study, which examines the conditions and needs of the capital of the free cultural life of the city has.

in the Culture, and the stadsmiljöborgarråd Jonas Naddebo (C) describe the investigation that a useful picture of the current state of affairs.

” We have, over many years, have seen a disturbing trend where many of Stockholm’s venues for music and culture, have been forced to shut down. It is a devastating blow to the city’s cultural life, and this is why we have the commission of inquiry, which is an important tool in the effort to reverse this trend, ” he said.

the main area of focus is the Stockholm’s music and nightlife scene, an issue that had been noted during the course of the year. In the near future to have a number of popular bars, clubs and music venues in the city have been forced to close down their businesses due to, among other things, the rise fastighetshyror, and the complaint of the disturbing noise.

the Report states that the inner city’s music venues is decreasing, while at the same time the scenes are set up in the nearby suburbs. A recent example of this is the two-kulturarenor, which is expected to open in the meatpacking district.

” the Trend concerns me, because we are in danger of getting in a city that is just as attractive and creative as in the past. We need to make sure that we have the culture of both the inner and the outer city, ” says Jonas Naddebo.

” We are working to both short-term and long-term measures to cope with the development. In the short term, we need to make better use of our existing facilities. There is a need for greater flexibility. Livescener, with concerts on the evening of the few days to be able to be utilized by, for example, in a theatre, so that the premises will generate the most money, ” he said.

this is a long-term solution to notify the Naddebo that he is in the autumn, will invite the property owner and the nattklubbsaktörer to talk about the music, and the night-life circumstances.

” We don’t believe that your problem can be resolved through communal efforts. I need to have the property owners here. They need to understand the value of culture in terms of both their own facilities and in the areas in which they operate. I hope that the discussions will ensure that the various stakeholders are able to understand and get closer to each other.

As an example, he brings up the property owner Atrium Ljungberg, who is working on the project with the two kulturarenorna in the meatpacking district.

” They’ve been jättetydliga in its mission to the district to have a large, cultural dimension, because they know that it delivers value to the town, they are now out there. We need more of these kinds of property owners, ” said Jonas Naddebo.

also in the future to meet the nattborgmästare Berlin, Amsterdam, and Detroit. They do work, as in the Nattrådet in Stockholm, sweden, in order to raise the hearth of the conditions in their respective towns and cities.

” I would like to hear more about their experiences. What are the innovative solutions they’ve created? How to deal with the conflicts between the people living in the vicinity and the nightclubs?

then He turns around while looking towards the city of London. According to the survey, 35 per cent of the city’s livescener been lost since 2007. A subsequent plan was a proposal to tag some of the scenes, such as ”valuable to the local community”.

” I’m open to it. Man, k-notice, of course, the key to real estate but it might also be a k-marked cultural institutions, in order to ensure that they are in one way or another can be found. It would be intriguing to look at these solutions, ” says Jonas Naddebo.
