the Starting point for the work is wrong.

Therefore, an ongoing investigation of the prostitutes working conditions be stopped, considers social and interior minister, Astrid Krag (S).

It writes Politiken.

An inter-ministerial working group was set up under the VLAK-government, has since January studied how prostitutes can be improved.

But the working group is now disbanded.

– For me it makes no sense to go further down the track, where you see prostitution in a wrong way.

– We do not believe that we are to have any conclusions about how we can do prostitution to a recognized profession, says Astrid Krag to Politiken.

the Working group had among other tasks to clarify the options to ensure prostitutes the right to unemployment benefits and sickness benefits.

in Addition, should the working group come up with recommendations for action that could provide better opportunities for a way out of prostitution.

It was then the children’s and social security Mai Mercado (K), who set up the now disbanded working group. She is annoyed over his successor’s decision.

– It is so hypocritical that we would like to have their tax payment, but we will not give them the rights that correspond to the tax payment. I almost can’t keep it out, says Mai Mercado to Politiken.

At the organisation Gadejuristen, which along the way has assisted the working group, called the closure “a step backwards for sex workers”.

Gadejuristen providing legal aid to vulnerable people in Denmark.

– That here was a new way to see sex work on where you put the professionals, ngos and sex workers together to look at how you can create better conditions.

– The project is welcomed, we are very welcome. Therefore, it is unfortunate and regrettable that the government closes the work now, says Maja Løvbjerg Hansen from Gadejuristen to Politiken.