Government contacts, the radicals, goes hard to the prime minister, Mette Frederiksen (S).

In the forefront of the attack is Jens Rohde, but he stresses that it’s all coordinated with the party leader, Morten Østergaard.

Rohde sits in the Parliamentary Committee on Rules of procedure (UFO), who has overall responsibility for the political work in parliament is done by the book. This platform he has on several occasions used to provide a direct criticism of Mette Frederiksen.

– It is important to send a signal to a new government. I know how quickly magtarrogancen goes from the seat heating in the ministerbilen and up in the minds of people. I have seen lots of examples of that. It is important, therefore, that the government starts to set some examples.

– It is possible that Mette Frederiksen, think it is a little annoying. But I can use the picture, if she is Mads Skjern, so I’m Ingeborg (from the tv series ‘Matador’, red.). When she dumber, so I give kontraordrer.

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The people’s Jens Rohde langer hard out after Mette Frederiksen. Photo: Jens Dresling/Ritzau Scanpix

Rohde explains that he has already created anger in the prime minister’s office.

Her counselors, calling over to our people in the secretariat and complain about, that I go with the opposition. But I’m not debating with people who are employed. It is me who pays them, and not vice versa.

– I don’t want to be with in the spindoktori. If Mette Frederiksen has a problem with me, she can just call, he says.

as late as last Wednesday, went to Jens Rohde, in two cases together with the opposition, and raised a fierce criticism of Mette Frederiksen. This happened precisely during a meeting of the Committee on the Rules of procedure.

In the one case was Mette Frederiksen criticised for refusing to meet in consultation on the government’s recruitment of a number of pressechefer from its own ranks.

the Danish policy – 6. nov. 2019 – at. 13:48 Presses Mette: Meet up and explain to the ‘cronyism’

The other is about nølen with the government’s finanslovsudspil.

the Proposal was first presented on the day after Mette Fredriksens speech on the occasion of the Danish parliament’s opening, which has led to the criticism in a letter to the prime minister.

the Letter was sent from the Parliamentary president, Henrik Dam Kristensen (S), on behalf of several members of the Committee for Rules of procedure – including Jens Rohde.

They were unhappy with, that Mette Frederiksen managed to keep his opening speech, before the Parliament could read the proposal for next year’s budget.

at the same time, had the members of the folketing just one day to read up on the 3600 pages long response, before they have to participate in the important åbningsdebat.

the Danish policy – 15. oct. 2019 – at. 07:43 Internal letter reveals: Henrik Dam, in the fierce criticism of Mette

Now, Mette Frederiksen, the answers given to the charges in a letter to Henrik Dam Kristensen. But this hasn’t exactly loosened the tense atmosphere. Jens Rohde do not believe that the prime minister takes the criticism seriously.

– the Prime minister ’notes’ themselves with it, but she might have the answer, she takes note of it. It is not just a semantic discussion. It had been a meeting. I know that one of the ministries think a lot of the wording to use in this context. So it is not random, what are the words that are being used.

Excerpt from Mette Frederiksen, in response to criticism of the progress with the government’s finanslovsudspil.

– It is just to get the opposition at a meeting and say, that she takes note of, and that she regrets it, says Rohde, who explains:

– I always take the opposition’s side, if it does not feel sufficiently accepted by the government.

– the Parliament must have the optimal working conditions. They must not be dictated by a government, and then I basically don’t care who sits in government, ” says Jens Rohde.

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Jens Rohde has also been out with the rake in the case of Mette Frederiksen’s spin doctor Martin Rossen. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Chastened also Mette’s spinplan

Jens Rohde has also been out with the rake after Mette Frederiksen in the case of the recruitment of more advisers to government ministers.

– It, Mette Frederiksen, has walk in, is something completely new. It is to build a layer, where you just employ his personal political friends, Rohde said to Ekstra Bladet.

Rohde responded to an interview in Berlingske, where Mette Frederiksen defended the appointment of his closest adviser, Martin Rossen, in a position as the chief of staff of a political secretariat in the prime minister’s office, while he was deployed as a member of the powerful economy – and the coordinating committee.

A construction, Rohde also has criticized.

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the DF’s Peter Skaarup believes that Mette Frederiksen’s response is an expression of the arrogance of power. Photo: Jens Dresling/Ritzau Scanpix

‘arrogance of power of open tapestry’

Mette Frederiksen’s response to criticism of the government’s finanslovs-nølen falls neither in the good soil of several of the Parliamentary opposition parties.

– It is the arrogance of power for the open carpet, say DF’s group chairman, Peter Skaarup, who did not believe that Mette Frederiksen takes the criticism to themselves.

– When you read the letter from the prime minister, one gets the impression that she has not understood the message.

– This is the year the main act, and so it is not without significance that the government gets so incredibly bad working conditions, that they should receive it the day before the end of the main debate – åbningsdebatten.

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the Liberal party Sophie Løhde believe that important information is ‘missing’ from Mette Frederiksen’s letter. Photo: Philip Davali

Also the Liberal party’s political rapporteur, Sophie Løhde, are dissatisfied with Mette Frederiksen’s answer.

– It is a very arrogant reply, which was sent to Parliament, she says.

Løhde notes that Mette Frederiksen does not relate to the Danish parliament’s Finance committee have been given wrong information on several occasions.

– It is missing from her letter, that the fact is that the Finance committee all the way through was informed that the budget bill would be published 26./27. september.

the Proposal was first published 2. October.

– It had dressed her not to delete the relevant facts in relation to the government’s action, and it had also dressed the prime minister to say what is obvious: That of course could have secured a better process, rather than the prime minister has just held his opening speech at a badebillet, says Sophie Løhde.

Mette Fredriksen has no comment on the criticism from Rohde, Skaarup and Løhde, informs the prime minister’s office.

Sophie Løhde wondering Mette Frederiksen does not mention that the Finance committee has repeatedly been told that finanslovsudspillet would presented 26/27. september.