Antisemistisme is far from a new phenomenon in Scandinavia, but a seemingly greater degree of coordination between the radical right groups are, in turn.
so says professor Jakob Egholm Feldt, among other things, a researcher in anti-semitism at Roskilde University, after the weekend’s vandalism against, among other things, a jewish cemetery in Randers and setup of the yellow jødestjerner with the word ‘Jude’ (jew, ed.) on several mailboxes belonging to jews in Denmark.
the Corresponding yellow stickers has also been set up in Norway and Sweden, tells the professor.
See also: Danish jew in shock: Jødestjerne put on the mailbox
– I have seen on the various jewish pages and social media, to the corresponding jødestjerne, which has been put on the mailboxes in Silkeborg, denmark, has also been used in Sweden and in Norway.
– That it, apparently, is an action, there is very coordinated in the Nordic countries, is something new and unusual. Coordination is shocking. It is, of course, with the caveat that we don’t yet know who actually stands behind, but there is a part that suggest that it is neo-nazis, he says.
Since the vandalism of, among others, 80 jewish tombstones in Randers was discovered Saturday evening. 9. november, it was 81 years ago, the Kristallnacht took place in Germany.
Here, smashed the nazis, thousands of jewish-owned shops and burned synagogues down. 91 jews were killed, and several thousand jews were imprisoned.
See also: English town hit by the appalling vandalism
It was due to the many broken glass in the streets that day was called Kristallnacht.
The apparently coordinated efforts, among other things, with the setup of the yellow jødestjerner in both Norway, Sweden and Denmark, can be a part of new movements on the right wing, believes the professor.
– There are some new moves in time on the right wing, which manages the højreradikalismen in a slightly different way than the old nazis.
– They are not running around with swastikas and goose-and looks like some idiots like Jonni Hansen (former chairman of the Danish national socialist Movement, ed.). They have a more pseudo-academic approach, and on the way, it has not the same gravity as the nazis in the Count.
They put in place emphasis on the fact that globalisation leads to a mixing of cultures, ethnicities and befolkningsmasser that do not belong together. And it then leads to a natural war. On the way, that is reminiscent of the thoughts of Anders Breivik has expressed, says Jakob Egholm Feldt.
Policy – 10. nov. 2019 – at. 20:16 After the shocking vandalism: Now mixes Mette F. themselves.
Although there appears to have been a coordinated effort, however, you are not out from the episodes conclude that the number of radicals is growing.
however, There are three primary groups where anti-semitism thrives.
– This one is islamist environments, for example, where Hizb ut-Tahrir have published pamphlets with strong anti-semitic content. Then there are the radical right environments in Europe, which has a connection to the historical anti-semitism in Europe. Them you also will call neo-nazis.
– The last category refers to the strong left-wing, pro-palestinian movements, who believe that Israel is kolonialismens outpost in the world. And do you think that jews in general support, says Jakob Egholm Feldt.