There is already a spanner in the works for the Liberal party’s new president, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen.
There was a touching consensus when the Left finally met for a convention in Herning, denmark.
just two months ago crowned the party Jakob Ellemann-Jensen as the new president on top of the grueling formandskrig, which ended with the dramatic kongemord against Lars Løkke Rasmussen in Brejning.
But just eight weeks later,when Left in the day to meet for the party’s annual convention – once again in Herning is today’s main switchboard may have the clap-parting with the Loop before lunch. But the first problems have already begun to sign up for Ellemann. And as so often before, it is about the Liberal party’s immigration policy.
See also: After comment: Tulle casts doubt on support for the Ellemann
And they stem from the party’s vice-president, Inger Støjberg. It assesses the Extra the Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.
-If Jakob Ellemann had thought that it heleville run like clockwork, he must have come on other thoughts. There is already grusi machinery. Partly because, to his vice-president, Inger Støjberg, obviously not havea going to keep the foot on the udlændingepolitiske. And then Ellemannendnu not shown that he dares to put her in place. And the question is whether hannogensinde get a mod for it, says Henrik Qvortrup.
-But it is also a aldelesuvenligt – over for partiformanden – op-ed by the five members of the group harindrykket in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, where they take the distance from the Støjbergs line, sigerHenrik Qvortrup and refers to a letter to the editor, where bl.a. Jan E Jørgensen ogBertel Was taken sharply distance from the results of a survey which shows that 28 per cent of the danes will throw the muslims out of the lands.
the Danish policy – 16. nov. 2019 – at. 07:39 Støjberg under internal pressure
Earlier this month, wrote the vice-president Inger Støjberg an op-ed in the B. T. on the same study:
‘When the measurement shows it, then it’s probably because there are very many who have it like me: I’m so tired of hearing about islam here and islam there as a reason or poor excuse for everything from the fejeste acts of terrorism to so-called honour-related violence, requirements on the restriction of the freedom of expression and the right to criticize religion, gender, requirements for special treatment in the workplace, in school or in the swimming pool,’ wrote Støjberg.
According to Henrik Qvortrup must Jakob Ellemann to show that he has other than good mundtøj:
-now Let’s be honest: Jakob Ellemann is best known as a Cousin to the Bold. Now is the time to show that he is and can be nothing other than a Cousin to the Bold, as always ready with a quick remark.
-He is the pressure that others are already taking the agenda of the Left from him. It applies to both Støjberg and partifællerne. But I also expect that, today, we are going to see Lars Løkke holding an incendiary speech, where he thanks of st flick to both the right and the left.