A Danish hotel manager is facing forward now, because she feels abused by the Danish people’s Party and partialliancen Sign in the case of the fake hotelkontrakter, as the EU’s svindelkontor, Olaf, handed over to the fraud squad.

I think of course, it is unfortunate that our name has been misused in this context, and I do not think it is nice that there is someone who has written below, as if they have been employed at Color Hotel Skagen, for it has not been the case, says the director of Color Hotel Skagen, Rikke Gandrup to TV2 Nord.

Her hotel together with the Hotel Koldingfjord been hurled into the case of misuse of EU money and fake contracts to 200,000 crowns in Sign scandal.

We are extremely vigilant in order not to be abused. It is completely unique, says Rikke Gandrup on the DF’s false contracts. Photo: Mette Byrgesen Jensen/Jonas Olufson/PR

It was Extra Magazine on Wednesday could reveal that the Danish people’s party secretary, Jeanie Nørhave, in 2014 and 2015 was not to be the boss on the respectively, the Hotel Koldingfjord and the Color Hotel Skagen.

On both contracts, signing Jeanie Nørhave, as ’Chief of Staff and Administration’ with ’the service provider’ – ie. at the hotels.

En Ekstra Bladet on Tuesday morning spoke to the hotel manager, Rikke Gandrup, she wanted not to comment on the matter. But now she stands so forward in an interview with TV2 Nord.

– We are extremely vigilant in order not to be abused in all sorts of contexts, but I must also say that when I look at it here with the many years of experience, I have in the industry, so this is a unique case, says Rikke Gandrup to tvstationen.

On the contract writes Morten Messerschmidt, under which Meld-president, while Jeanie Nørhave sign for the hotel.

(the article continues under the documentation)

According to the fake contracts were to Color Hotel Skagen, Hotel Koldingfjord prepare, organise and conduct the EU conferences for the scandal hit partialliance Sign, but in fact laid the hotels only and look for DF’s internal sommergruppemøder.

the 61-year-old Jeanie Nørhave belong to the Danish people’s party, the absolute top, and she has an office a few metres from the DF-chairman, Kristian Thulesen Dahl at Christiansborg. At the same time, she is close to partistifter Pia Kjærsgaard.

the Director of the Hotel Koldingfjord, Peder J. Madsen, lighted the other day to Ekstra Bladet, that he has been questioned by the fraud squad on the case.Submitted the contract, where the Jeanie Nørhave signing as boss at his hotel, he said:

– When I look down over the papers, so I can see that Jeanie Nørhave have written below. But she is not employed by us, and she has never been. But I know who she is. It was her who was the coordinator of the Danish people’s party sommergruppemøde.

the EU’s antisvindelkontor, Olaf, estimates of the fraud squad, to Sign and Feld ’was used by foreningsmedlemmer by deception to achieve an undue gain for themselves or to the detriment of the European Parliament’s economic interests,’ it says in the internal documents.

the Olaf information about the DF-peak signatures as hotelchefer is also a part of the material, as antisvindelenheden transferred to the public Prosecutor For Special Economic and International Crime, SØIK, also called the fraud squad, learns ekstrabladet.

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a comment from the DF’s Morten Messerschmidt and Jeanie Nørhave.

Attorney and partner, Erbil G. E. Kaya, in the law firm of the same name, has specialize in forging of documents. He believes that the two documents may very well be covered by the clauses about a forgery.

the Danish policy – 7. dec. 2019 – at. 09:22 Mystery of fake DF-contract: I have never been in Denmark