the Director of Children and Ungeforvaltningen in the Municipality of Odense, Poul Anthoniussen, is dead after a traffic accident on Thursday evening. He was 49 years old.

The typing of Fyns Stiftstidende.

– It is with great sadness that I received the message that the managing director Poul Anthoniussen has died as a result of the accident, he has been out of on Thursday night, writes the children and ungerådmand Susanne Crawley Larsen (R) for the newspaper.

– My thoughts and deepest condolences are with the family.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Children and Ungeforvaltningen in the Municipality of Odense, to inform, to Susanne Crawley Larsen do not want to comment further. the

Unclear what the accident is due
Poul Anthoniussen leaves wife and two children.

the Accident happened on Thursday evening, where Poul Anthoniussen drove up in a truck on the rastepladsen by Ålsbro the North, between Middelfart and Odense. According to Fyens Stiftstidende, kept the truck parked in a parkeringsbås on rastepladsen by the highway.

It is yet unclear what the accident caused, but there is nothing that suggests that Paul is Anthoniussen was affected.

Poul Anthoniussen had a background as a teacher and has worked in the Odense Municipality since 2011. He was appointed the director of Children and Ungeforvaltningen in 2015, and joined as director in 2016.

the Extra Leaf is working to get a comment from The police.