the 34-year-old Mads Reinholdts ex-wife died in the month of november last year, the 34-year-old former window cleaner suddenly alone with two small children. But in the midst of the chaos and grief after her death, could He rejoice that christmas, at least, was saved.

Mads is among the many that receives packets from the Danish people’s aid, which meant that Hollie, who is now four years old, and Luca, who is seven years old, got a christmas like other children.

I was minding my kids and my education and fought with blood, sweat and tears with two grieving children, which I also had to take me in the middle of it all.

– At the time there had been some familiebump, so I had to prove to myself that I actually managed to get the kids on the right track, says Mads Reinholdt for the Extra Leaf on the first hard time.

Mads Linda Johansen

He was together with their mother, Catherine, when she was diagnosed with cancer. She waited however long to go to the doctor, and when she finally came under treatment, it was too late to do something about her breast cancer.

– It had spread from the breast to the lymph in the left side. And then it went steadily down hill. From then, I could no put up. I was in training, but had to sygemelde me, remember Mads.

Even though the pair went from each other, after Catherine was diagnosed with breast cancer, hit the Mike hard, since the ex-wife died and left him as the sole parent to two very small children.

– I did not know my living council, when she died. But my family was very impressed by how much force I had.

– I searched all sorts of offers of help, because I was in training, and I had, of course, still rent and lots of bills that should be paid, says Mads.

He could, however, breathe a sigh of relief, as it is a little over a month after the death was on christmas eve, where two expectant children waiting for their gifts.

– It meant that I could buy the roast pork and the gifts we needed so we could keep the christmas and get the gifts the kids wanted.

– Otherwise had I had to cut and paste a gift to them. Now they could get a real gift.

in addition to be able to give the children a traditional christmas, gave julehjælpen Mads a ballast, he had not expected.

It was the alpha and omega in relation to the nothing to have. And then I could show the family, that I could keep a real christmas for them. So it was a really good evening. Otherwise it had been an appalling christmas.

He does not hide the fact that the helping hand is accomplished miracles in the family.

– I find it hard to put into words where I otherwise would have been.

It was a tough mental situation to be in, and I knew at that moment what I was going to put up with the kids. But thank goodness it ended up being a good night, which is also where my mother and her husband was with, says Mads.

Also this year, the hope Mads on a christmas package from the Danish people’s aid. And in the midst of the chaos, ekskonens death left behind, he is delighted that he now has more time with the kids than ever.

– I enjoy it, as the day is long. It is great to be able to look them in the eyes every day. But there are also restrictions on the evening. There is not something with which to take in the city, says the single father.

Mads and the children at the summer camp of the Danish people’s aid

It is not only in the form of christmas packages, Mads Reinholdt gets a helping hand from the Danish people’s aid. Also, when there is summer vacation, he uses the opportunity for a vacation, the organization offers economically disadvantaged danes.

Both this year and last year he was on Danish people’s aid summer camp, which meant that he could offer his children some of the experiences that their peers get, and which he would not have been able to offer without a crutch.

It was a familiekonsulent, who asked whether or not we would. And so, we came up with on the holidays, and it was the best holiday ever.

– We enjoyed so much and the kids had it great with all the others. And we still have contact with some of them, we met, he tells.

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