even Though it has been Rachel Ellebye, which has been in focus during the TV2 programme ‘Vintage 0’, there is no doubt that her two year older brother, David Ellebye, also has been a great part in the programme, in which we also have followed the highlights of his life.

At the beginning of the new year, we will have more to watch for the 21-year-old guy, when he gets his own library on the TV2 Play, where the viewers can follow him in everyday life.

David lives in day at college in Copenhagen and studying at the HA General at the CBS, and there is no doubt that he is in love with the student life:

– It is super great to stay in college, and I’m really happy for my field of study. It is so exciting, so I ended up on the right shelf. This is how it works, at least so far. It all just runs really well right now for me, tells David to the Extra Blade adds, however, there is a single thing in his life, which doesn’t run quite as well:

– unfortunately, I have not found love yet. I would like a girlfriend, but I have not found the right one, and she has not found me. But I wonder if it hopefully comes. I am crossing my fingers, he says.

See also: Big ‘Year 0’-surprise

Although Rachel lives in Norway and his parents, Theresia and Lars, living in Jutland, and there is thus far between the four members of the family, the anyway often.

– My parents are really good to get to Copenhagen to visit me. They have also often things they should be in Copenhagen, and so it fits very well with the fact that we can be seen. They also enjoy really to be in Copenhagen. Rachel also comes very often to Copenhagen, even though she lives in Norway, and so stay she once in a while with me, or we take a cup of coffee together. As it is though, tells David.

Here we see David, together with his parents, Theresia and Lars. Photo: Jonas Olufson/Ritzau Scanpix

For the christmas dragons both Rachel and David, however, to Jutland to spend the days in the parents ‘ home.

– We should keep christmas together, all four in Felsted. My mother has a part julegudstjenester, so she also gets a little busy, but it’s gonna be cozy. I am looking forward to, sounds from David.

See also: ‘Year 0’-star reveals new project